Skateparks, often called 'wheel parks,' are becoming increasingly common within communities worldwide. Despite this growth in parks, estimates show that the development of parks needs to catch up to users. Using a count data travel cost model, we estimate the adult user benefits associated with the Lauridsen Skatepark in Des Moines, Iowa – the largest in the United States. We estimate adult user benefits to be $61 per user per day and roughly $488,000 annually. This work contributes to the literature by being the first study to use econometric techniques to estimate skatepark user benefits. Second, we develop a simple and easy-to-apply method to assist municipalities in determining community skatepark needs. Third, our results support the literature showing that skateboarders are increasingly diverse.
Kemp, T. (2025). Shred Central: Estimating the user benefits associated with large public skateparks. Journal of Economic Analysis, 4(1), 90. doi:10.58567/jea04010004
ACS Style
Kemp, T. Shred Central: Estimating the user benefits associated with large public skateparks. Journal of Economic Analysis, 2025, 4, 90. doi:10.58567/jea04010004
AMA Style
Kemp T. Shred Central: Estimating the user benefits associated with large public skateparks. Journal of Economic Analysis; 2025, 4(1):90. doi:10.58567/jea04010004
Chicago/Turabian Style
Kemp, Thomas 2025. "Shred Central: Estimating the user benefits associated with large public skateparks" Journal of Economic Analysis 4, no.1:90. doi:10.58567/jea04010004
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ACS Style
Kemp, T. Shred Central: Estimating the user benefits associated with large public skateparks. Journal of Economic Analysis, 2025, 4, 90. doi:10.58567/jea04010004
AMA Style
Kemp T. Shred Central: Estimating the user benefits associated with large public skateparks. Journal of Economic Analysis; 2025, 4(1):90. doi:10.58567/jea04010004
Chicago/Turabian Style
Kemp, Thomas 2025. "Shred Central: Estimating the user benefits associated with large public skateparks" Journal of Economic Analysis 4, no.1:90. doi:10.58567/jea04010004
APA style
Kemp, T. (2025). Shred Central: Estimating the user benefits associated with large public skateparks. Journal of Economic Analysis, 4(1), 90. doi:10.58567/jea04010004
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