Peripheral nerve injury is a serious and disabling disease prevalent in the world. It caused by trauma is often accompanied with soft tissue injuries, fractures, infections, etc., and can cause permanent damage. The treatment methods of peripheral nerve injury mainly include traditional microsurgical repair, neurotrophic drug treatment, as well as cuttingedge nerve conduit treatment, nerve stimulation, cell therapy, etc. However, more than 30% of patients with peripheral nerve injury still have poor recovery, including partial loss or complete loss of motor and/or sensory function, muscle atrophy,chronic pain and severe disability, among can lead to permanent disease. Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites which is the most abundant in plants, consisting of an aromatic ring and one or more hydroxyl substituents, the main groups including flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, stilbene and lignans. A lot of studies have shown that natural phenolic compounds have various properties, such as antioxidant, anti-infective, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, etc., and have broad applications in the prevention of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, oxidative stress-related diseases, and neuroprotection prospect. This review discusses the potential applications and molecular mechanisms of natural phenolic compounds its polymer derivatives in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury.
Zheng, T., Qiu, S., Li, L., Li, B., & Zhang, M. (2022). Polymers containing natural plant phenolic compounds for peripheral nerve injury. Biomaterials and Biosensors, 1(1), 4. doi:10.58567/bab01010004
ACS Style
Zheng, T.; Qiu, S.; Li, L.; Li, B.; Zhang, M. Polymers containing natural plant phenolic compounds for peripheral nerve injury. Biomaterials and Biosensors, 2022, 1, 4. doi:10.58567/bab01010004
AMA Style
Zheng T, Qiu S, Li L et al.. Polymers containing natural plant phenolic compounds for peripheral nerve injury. Biomaterials and Biosensors; 2022, 1(1):4. doi:10.58567/bab01010004
The Horizontal project of Shandong University (12671818)
The Rongxiang Regenerative Medicine Foundation of Shandong University (2019SDRX-17)
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ACS Style
Zheng, T.; Qiu, S.; Li, L.; Li, B.; Zhang, M. Polymers containing natural plant phenolic compounds for peripheral nerve injury. Biomaterials and Biosensors, 2022, 1, 4. doi:10.58567/bab01010004
AMA Style
Zheng T, Qiu S, Li L et al.. Polymers containing natural plant phenolic compounds for peripheral nerve injury. Biomaterials and Biosensors; 2022, 1(1):4. doi:10.58567/bab01010004
Zheng, T., Qiu, S., Li, L., Li, B., & Zhang, M. (2022). Polymers containing natural plant phenolic compounds for peripheral nerve injury. Biomaterials and Biosensors, 1(1), 4. doi:10.58567/bab01010004
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