Revenue Sources

- update at: 8 Mar 2025

Anser Press, as a start-up publisher, does not charge any fee for authors for the present so as to attract high-quality submissions. Whereas, to ensure publishing quality and free availability of open access journals, Article Processing Charges (APC) will be levied on all authors whose papers are accepted for publication after quality screening and peer-review in 2027. The APC will vary according to the following factors (journal maturity, journal quality such as JCR Impact Factor, Scopus/SCI, the journal editing and publishing technical process, the current landscape of the global academic publishing market and horizontal competition, etc.) and be charged when an article is accepted.

Our Journal-specific APC pricing range in table below is dynamic and inclusive.

As our sole source of revenue, APCs pay for teams and technology that support research integrity, peer review, production, and dissemination of the articles we publish. We are transparent about how our APCs are invested. Our APCs cover the following publishing services:

  • Our team: APCs pay for our professionals who contribute to publication services of Anser Press.
  • Our review operations: our review operations team ensures that quality standards are adhered to during peer review, that the appropriate experts are assigned to the manuscripts, and that editors are supported. They also provide rigorous feedback to the authors so that each stage of the review process advances in an effective and timely manner.
  • Publication: production costs include typesetting and copy-editing, assignment of persistent identifiers, journal indexing, archiving in all relevant academic and national databases, and permanent digital storage.
  • Honoraria: prizes are awarded annually for EBMs and authors who greatly contribute to academic development.