There must be a better match between the supply of financial news graduates in colleges and the media's demand for financial news talents. Based on 300 questionnaires and in-depth interviews from three universities, namely Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, and Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, this paper uses the interview method to excavate the professional quality improvement path for majoring in financial news students. Results reveal that undergraduates majoring in financial news have problems such as low professional identity, insufficient recognition of the discipline system, poor sense of professional identity, common matching between job selection and majors, and worrying about the status quo of professional literacy. Therefore, the improvement of the professional quality of students majoring in financial news and the reform of the training program needs to drive the professional quality of students in multiple dimensions, change their professional cognitive problems, strengthen their professional identity, and achieve an effective match between supply and demand of financial media professionals.
Zhang, C., & Jin, Y. (2023). Path to Improve the Professional Quality of Students Majoring in Financial News: Micro Evidence from 300 Questionnaires from Three Universities. Financial Economics Letters, 2(3), 16. doi:10.58567/fel02030001
ACS Style
Zhang, C.; Jin, Y. Path to Improve the Professional Quality of Students Majoring in Financial News: Micro Evidence from 300 Questionnaires from Three Universities. Financial Economics Letters, 2023, 2, 16. doi:10.58567/fel02030001
AMA Style
Zhang C, Jin Y. Path to Improve the Professional Quality of Students Majoring in Financial News: Micro Evidence from 300 Questionnaires from Three Universities. Financial Economics Letters; 2023, 2(3):16. doi:10.58567/fel02030001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Zhang, Chunhua; Jin, Yanjun 2023. "Path to Improve the Professional Quality of Students Majoring in Financial News: Micro Evidence from 300 Questionnaires from Three Universities" Financial Economics Letters 2, no.3:16. doi:10.58567/fel02030001
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ACS Style
Zhang, C.; Jin, Y. Path to Improve the Professional Quality of Students Majoring in Financial News: Micro Evidence from 300 Questionnaires from Three Universities. Financial Economics Letters, 2023, 2, 16. doi:10.58567/fel02030001
AMA Style
Zhang C, Jin Y. Path to Improve the Professional Quality of Students Majoring in Financial News: Micro Evidence from 300 Questionnaires from Three Universities. Financial Economics Letters; 2023, 2(3):16. doi:10.58567/fel02030001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Zhang, Chunhua; Jin, Yanjun 2023. "Path to Improve the Professional Quality of Students Majoring in Financial News: Micro Evidence from 300 Questionnaires from Three Universities" Financial Economics Letters 2, no.3:16. doi:10.58567/fel02030001
APA style
Zhang, C., & Jin, Y. (2023). Path to Improve the Professional Quality of Students Majoring in Financial News: Micro Evidence from 300 Questionnaires from Three Universities. Financial Economics Letters, 2(3), 16. doi:10.58567/fel02030001
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