Green innovation, as a sustainable development approach, can synergistically promote high-quality economic and social development. We select China's A-share-listed manufacturing corporations from 2011 to 2021 as the research sample to empirically study the impact of executive academic experience on green innovation in manufacturing corporations. Further, we test the relationship between executive academic experience and green innovation in manufacturing corporations under the mediating role of corporate social responsibility and the moderating role of heterogeneous environmental regulations. The study shows that (1) executive academic experience helps to promote green innovation in manufacturing corporations; (2) executive academic experience is conducive to promoting the fulfillment of social responsibility by manufacturing corporations; (3) corporate social responsibility plays a mediating role between executive academic experience and green innovation in manufacturing corporations; (4) environmental regulation positively moderates the relationship between executive academic experience and green innovation in manufacturing corporations, and both formal environmental regulation and informal environmental regulation positively moderated the promotion of green innovation in manufacturing corporations by executive academic experience.
Li, D., Xia, Z., & Shi, Y. (2023). The Impact of Executive Academic Experience on Green Innovation in Manufacturing Corporations. Review of Economic Assessment, 2(3), 18. doi:10.58567/rea02030003
ACS Style
Li, D.; Xia, Z.; Shi, Y. The Impact of Executive Academic Experience on Green Innovation in Manufacturing Corporations. Review of Economic Assessment, 2023, 2, 18. doi:10.58567/rea02030003
AMA Style
Li D, Xia Z, Shi Y. The Impact of Executive Academic Experience on Green Innovation in Manufacturing Corporations. Review of Economic Assessment; 2023, 2(3):18. doi:10.58567/rea02030003
Chicago/Turabian Style
Li, Dehua; Xia, Zhihu; Shi, Yingying 2023. "The Impact of Executive Academic Experience on Green Innovation in Manufacturing Corporations" Review of Economic Assessment 2, no.3:18. doi:10.58567/rea02030003
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ACS Style
Li, D.; Xia, Z.; Shi, Y. The Impact of Executive Academic Experience on Green Innovation in Manufacturing Corporations. Review of Economic Assessment, 2023, 2, 18. doi:10.58567/rea02030003
AMA Style
Li D, Xia Z, Shi Y. The Impact of Executive Academic Experience on Green Innovation in Manufacturing Corporations. Review of Economic Assessment; 2023, 2(3):18. doi:10.58567/rea02030003
Chicago/Turabian Style
Li, Dehua; Xia, Zhihu; Shi, Yingying 2023. "The Impact of Executive Academic Experience on Green Innovation in Manufacturing Corporations" Review of Economic Assessment 2, no.3:18. doi:10.58567/rea02030003
APA style
Li, D., Xia, Z., & Shi, Y. (2023). The Impact of Executive Academic Experience on Green Innovation in Manufacturing Corporations. Review of Economic Assessment, 2(3), 18. doi:10.58567/rea02030003
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