Open Access Journal Article

Unlocking the Potential of Chinese Urban Innovation: The Role of Support Policies for New R&D Institutions from an Innovation Chain Management Perspective

by mingyang Zhang a,*
Department of Economics and Management, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received: 17 October 2023 / Accepted: 3 December 2023 / Published Online: 2 January 2024


The enactment of policies that bolster new research and development (R&D) institutions stands as a pivotal strategy to catalyze urban innovation and development. Adopting a strategic lens of innovation chain management and employing the Differences-in-Differences (DID) method to scrutinize panel data from 43 Chinese cities spanning 2008 to 2019, this study probes the efficacy and underlying mechanisms of policies designed to support nascent R&D institutions in facilitating urban innovation. Empirical findings reveal that policies in support of new R&D institutions have markedly enhanced the three integral stages of the urban innovation chain: research and development, transfer, and application. Furthermore, the innovation ambiance within cities and the innovative activities of enterprises emerge as significant mediators between support policies and the output of urban innovation across these stages. A regional heterogeneity analysis unveils that the impact of support policies on the output of urban innovation diverges across regions, with a notably more pronounced effect observed in the eastern region compared to central and western regions. An objective appraisal of the policy's impact on urban innovation not only aids in delving into the profound implementation effects of policy instruments but also furnishes policy-makers with decision-making references for optimizing the utilization of support policies for new R&D institutions to advance the edification of the national innovation system.

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APA Style
Zhang, m. (2023). Unlocking the Potential of Chinese Urban Innovation: The Role of Support Policies for New R&D Institutions from an Innovation Chain Management Perspective. Review of Economic Assessment, 2(4), 21. doi:10.58567/rea02040001
ACS Style
Zhang, m. Unlocking the Potential of Chinese Urban Innovation: The Role of Support Policies for New R&D Institutions from an Innovation Chain Management Perspective. Review of Economic Assessment, 2023, 2, 21. doi:10.58567/rea02040001
AMA Style
Zhang m. Unlocking the Potential of Chinese Urban Innovation: The Role of Support Policies for New R&D Institutions from an Innovation Chain Management Perspective. Review of Economic Assessment; 2023, 2(4):21. doi:10.58567/rea02040001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Zhang, mingyang 2023. "Unlocking the Potential of Chinese Urban Innovation: The Role of Support Policies for New R&D Institutions from an Innovation Chain Management Perspective" Review of Economic Assessment 2, no.4:21. doi:10.58567/rea02040001

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ACS Style
Zhang, m. Unlocking the Potential of Chinese Urban Innovation: The Role of Support Policies for New R&D Institutions from an Innovation Chain Management Perspective. Review of Economic Assessment, 2023, 2, 21. doi:10.58567/rea02040001
AMA Style
Zhang m. Unlocking the Potential of Chinese Urban Innovation: The Role of Support Policies for New R&D Institutions from an Innovation Chain Management Perspective. Review of Economic Assessment; 2023, 2(4):21. doi:10.58567/rea02040001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Zhang, mingyang 2023. "Unlocking the Potential of Chinese Urban Innovation: The Role of Support Policies for New R&D Institutions from an Innovation Chain Management Perspective" Review of Economic Assessment 2, no.4:21. doi:10.58567/rea02040001
APA style
Zhang, m. (2023). Unlocking the Potential of Chinese Urban Innovation: The Role of Support Policies for New R&D Institutions from an Innovation Chain Management Perspective. Review of Economic Assessment, 2(4), 21. doi:10.58567/rea02040001

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