The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on economies everywhere, affecting everything from supply chain networks to international trade as a direct result of the increased vulnerability of more nations and the disruption of the activities of key traders. This research study examines how COVID-19 affected the supply chain on a worldwide and regional scale, as well as the systemic policy and economic steps governments and businesses took to rebound and maintain resilience. COVID-19 has had a significant influence, prompting governments and businesses to take steps to fortify their operations and businesses against disruptions, highlight the necessity for resilience in supply chains and emphasize the importance of managing risk. The supply value chain is at risk from the prolonged implementation of COVID-19 trade measures like border closure, export restrictions, and import sanctions. Many businesses are transitioning from a "recovery mode" to a resilient and sustainable mode" and are beginning to plan for the future. The study suggests that corporate and government leaders should prioritize proactive and adaptable policy, economic, and structural adjustment. This research will be useful to policymakers and industry leaders in their efforts to lessen the effect of COVID-19 on the global supply chain by enforcing governmental, economic, and business reforms built on resilient supply chains and mitigating economic risks during tough times.
Aloqab, A., Hu, W., Abdulraqeb, O. A., Mohammed, O., & Raweh, B. (2023). The Impact of the Corona Virus on Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges. Review of Economic Assessment, 2(4), 22. doi:10.58567/rea02040002
ACS Style
Aloqab, A.; Hu, W.; Abdulraqeb, O. A.; Mohammed, O.; Raweh, B. The Impact of the Corona Virus on Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges. Review of Economic Assessment, 2023, 2, 22. doi:10.58567/rea02040002
AMA Style
Aloqab A, Hu W, Abdulraqeb O A et al.. The Impact of the Corona Virus on Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges. Review of Economic Assessment; 2023, 2(4):22. doi:10.58567/rea02040002
Chicago/Turabian Style
Aloqab, Abdullah; Hu, Wen; Abdulraqeb, Omar A.; Mohammed, Othman; Raweh, Bassam 2023. "The Impact of the Corona Virus on Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges" Review of Economic Assessment 2, no.4:22. doi:10.58567/rea02040002
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ACS Style
Aloqab, A.; Hu, W.; Abdulraqeb, O. A.; Mohammed, O.; Raweh, B. The Impact of the Corona Virus on Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges. Review of Economic Assessment, 2023, 2, 22. doi:10.58567/rea02040002
AMA Style
Aloqab A, Hu W, Abdulraqeb O A et al.. The Impact of the Corona Virus on Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges. Review of Economic Assessment; 2023, 2(4):22. doi:10.58567/rea02040002
Chicago/Turabian Style
Aloqab, Abdullah; Hu, Wen; Abdulraqeb, Omar A.; Mohammed, Othman; Raweh, Bassam 2023. "The Impact of the Corona Virus on Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges" Review of Economic Assessment 2, no.4:22. doi:10.58567/rea02040002
APA style
Aloqab, A., Hu, W., Abdulraqeb, O. A., Mohammed, O., & Raweh, B. (2023). The Impact of the Corona Virus on Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges. Review of Economic Assessment, 2(4), 22. doi:10.58567/rea02040002
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