Open Access Journal Article

New Quality Productivity, Institutional Environment and Sustained Firm Innovation

by Han Sun a,*
Xi’an University of Finance and Economics, Xi’an City, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received: 4 December 2024 / Accepted: 7 January 2025 / Published Online: 16 January 2025


This paper investigates the impact of new quality productivity on corporate innovation, and empirically analyzes it using A-share data from 2012-2022. New quality productivity, which includes emerging industries, future industries and digital transformation of traditional industries, has a significant positive effect on corporate innovation. The study shows that new quality productivity promotes innovation by enhancing innovation incentives and improving ESG performance. Improvements in the institutional environment can enhance its role in promoting innovation. It is recommended to enhance new quality productivity, stimulate innovation in SMEs, focus on ESG performance and develop differentiated strategies to support sustained innovation in corporate technology.

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APA Style
Sun, H. (2024). New Quality Productivity, Institutional Environment and Sustained Firm Innovation. Review of Economic Assessment, 3(4), 39. doi:10.58567/rea03040002
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Sun, H. New Quality Productivity, Institutional Environment and Sustained Firm Innovation. Review of Economic Assessment, 2024, 3, 39. doi:10.58567/rea03040002
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Sun H. New Quality Productivity, Institutional Environment and Sustained Firm Innovation. Review of Economic Assessment; 2024, 3(4):39. doi:10.58567/rea03040002
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Sun, Han 2024. "New Quality Productivity, Institutional Environment and Sustained Firm Innovation" Review of Economic Assessment 3, no.4:39. doi:10.58567/rea03040002

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ACS Style
Sun, H. New Quality Productivity, Institutional Environment and Sustained Firm Innovation. Review of Economic Assessment, 2024, 3, 39. doi:10.58567/rea03040002
AMA Style
Sun H. New Quality Productivity, Institutional Environment and Sustained Firm Innovation. Review of Economic Assessment; 2024, 3(4):39. doi:10.58567/rea03040002
Chicago/Turabian Style
Sun, Han 2024. "New Quality Productivity, Institutional Environment and Sustained Firm Innovation" Review of Economic Assessment 3, no.4:39. doi:10.58567/rea03040002
APA style
Sun, H. (2024). New Quality Productivity, Institutional Environment and Sustained Firm Innovation. Review of Economic Assessment, 3(4), 39. doi:10.58567/rea03040002

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