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Open Access Journal Article

Dynamic Competitiveness of Foreign and Domestic Price: Evidence from an Autoregressive Dynamic Model

by Mustapha M. Abdullahi a Mansur Abdullahi a  and  Maryam Bala Adamu b,*
Department of Economics, Federal University, Gusau, Nigeria
Distance Learning Centre, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received: 11 April 2024 / Accepted: 17 October 2024 / Published Online: 23 December 2024


Nigeria, as an import-dependent economy, has seen its inflation rate rise over the years, which might be ascribed to structural causes and imported consumer products. The Autoregressive distributed lag model was used to determine the competitiveness of domestic and foreign prices. In the short run, domestic and international pricing complement each other, but in the long run, they may achieve some level of competitiveness. The currency rate has a considerable and beneficial impact on consumer spending. The result could also be explained by customers' high desire for foreign items.

Copyright: © 2024 by Abdullahi, Abdullahi and Adamu. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
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APA Style
Abdullahi, M. M., Abdullahi, M., & Adamu, M. B. (2024). Dynamic Competitiveness of Foreign and Domestic Price: Evidence from an Autoregressive Dynamic Model. Economic Analysis Letters, 3(4), 66. doi:10.58567/eal03040001
ACS Style
Abdullahi, M. M.; Abdullahi, M.; Adamu, M. B. Dynamic Competitiveness of Foreign and Domestic Price: Evidence from an Autoregressive Dynamic Model. Economic Analysis Letters, 2024, 3, 66. doi:10.58567/eal03040001
AMA Style
Abdullahi M M, Abdullahi M, Adamu M B. Dynamic Competitiveness of Foreign and Domestic Price: Evidence from an Autoregressive Dynamic Model. Economic Analysis Letters; 2024, 3(4):66. doi:10.58567/eal03040001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Abdullahi, Mustapha M.; Abdullahi, Mansur; Adamu, Maryam B. 2024. "Dynamic Competitiveness of Foreign and Domestic Price: Evidence from an Autoregressive Dynamic Model" Economic Analysis Letters 3, no.4:66. doi:10.58567/eal03040001

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ACS Style
Abdullahi, M. M.; Abdullahi, M.; Adamu, M. B. Dynamic Competitiveness of Foreign and Domestic Price: Evidence from an Autoregressive Dynamic Model. Economic Analysis Letters, 2024, 3, 66. doi:10.58567/eal03040001
AMA Style
Abdullahi M M, Abdullahi M, Adamu M B. Dynamic Competitiveness of Foreign and Domestic Price: Evidence from an Autoregressive Dynamic Model. Economic Analysis Letters; 2024, 3(4):66. doi:10.58567/eal03040001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Abdullahi, Mustapha M.; Abdullahi, Mansur; Adamu, Maryam B. 2024. "Dynamic Competitiveness of Foreign and Domestic Price: Evidence from an Autoregressive Dynamic Model" Economic Analysis Letters 3, no.4:66. doi:10.58567/eal03040001
APA style
Abdullahi, M. M., Abdullahi, M., & Adamu, M. B. (2024). Dynamic Competitiveness of Foreign and Domestic Price: Evidence from an Autoregressive Dynamic Model. Economic Analysis Letters, 3(4), 66. doi:10.58567/eal03040001

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