We propose an open-access innovation index for the U.S. states. This index was built by classifying into four core areas the twelve more important indicators, inputs, and outputs, that are widely accepted in the literature as the most relevant for measuring innovation. We consider the indicators aggregated in the areas of human capital and business environment as the inputs that create knowledge and influence the promotion of innovation, while those in areas of engagement and efficiency as the outputs that are all those outcomes and improvements related to the innovation process. As an example of potential uses of our index, we ran a basic econometric experiment using the economic growth rate as the dependent variable. Despite the results being qualitatively consistent with the literature, we suggest further research using our index and other methodologies. We included in the appendix the overall index score and ranking from 2000 to 2015.
Acevedo, R., Mora, J. U., & Romero-Habeych, J. (2025). USA – Innovation Index: A State - Level Proposal. Economic Analysis Letters, 4(1), 73. doi:10.58567/eal04010002
ACS Style
Acevedo, R.; Mora, J. U.; Romero-Habeych, J. USA – Innovation Index: A State - Level Proposal. Economic Analysis Letters, 2025, 4, 73. doi:10.58567/eal04010002
AMA Style
Acevedo R, Mora J U, Romero-Habeych J. USA – Innovation Index: A State - Level Proposal. Economic Analysis Letters; 2025, 4(1):73. doi:10.58567/eal04010002
Chicago/Turabian Style
Acevedo, Rafael; Mora, Jose U.; Romero-Habeych, Jorge 2025. "USA – Innovation Index: A State - Level Proposal" Economic Analysis Letters 4, no.1:73. doi:10.58567/eal04010002
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ACS Style
Acevedo, R.; Mora, J. U.; Romero-Habeych, J. USA – Innovation Index: A State - Level Proposal. Economic Analysis Letters, 2025, 4, 73. doi:10.58567/eal04010002
AMA Style
Acevedo R, Mora J U, Romero-Habeych J. USA – Innovation Index: A State - Level Proposal. Economic Analysis Letters; 2025, 4(1):73. doi:10.58567/eal04010002
Chicago/Turabian Style
Acevedo, Rafael; Mora, Jose U.; Romero-Habeych, Jorge 2025. "USA – Innovation Index: A State - Level Proposal" Economic Analysis Letters 4, no.1:73. doi:10.58567/eal04010002
APA style
Acevedo, R., Mora, J. U., & Romero-Habeych, J. (2025). USA – Innovation Index: A State - Level Proposal. Economic Analysis Letters, 4(1), 73. doi:10.58567/eal04010002
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