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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 6 items)
Searched for: [ Keywords: "ESG rating systems" ] clear all
Journal Article
Divergences among ESG rating systems: Evidence from financial indexes
by Conghao Zhu  and  Cunyi Yang
This paper specifically underscores the disparities among various ESG rating systems in China, highlighting their varied interpretations and emphasis on corporate financial factors. Analyzing data on Chinese listed firms from 2009-2022, we observe that while company size and leverage ratio uniformly correlate with ESG scores across rating agencies such as Bloomberg, Huazheng, W [...] Read more

Journal Article
ESG-focused hedge fund activism
by Derwis Dilek
Investment funds are increasingly focusing on ESG issues, seeking to contribute to improving environmental, social, and governance concerns. ESG-focused investing involves promoting good ESG performance and may result in a decrease in expected financial returns. This may lead to a conflict between solely profit-focused shareholders and ESG-focused investors, who may respond acc [...] Read more

Journal Article
Greasing the revolving door: foreign aid, governance, and private capital flows
by Ugochukwu Anyanwu  and  Amarachukwu Anyanwu
There is a considerable amount of debate on the impact of capital liberalization on economic performance. Using Three-Stage Least Squares (3SLS) estimation technique introduced by Zellner and Theil (1962), we synthesize studies on the determinants of governance and capital flows. We find evidence of a revolving door relationship. Foreign aid has a negative impact on governance [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Financial and Business Systems, Lincoln University, Lincoln, New Zealand

Journal Article
Bank Runs and Design Flaws of Deposit Insurance
by Sangkyun Park
Deposit insurance systems are designed to balance the benefits of preventing bank runs and protecting ordinary savers against the costs of reduced market discipline and potential burdens on taxpayers. Design flaws of deposit insurance make the benefits too low and the costs too high. This paper presents an example in which solvent banks can effectively manage runs, depositors d [...] Read more

Journal Article
Protection in DRM and pricing strategies for digital products considering quality degradation
by Linlan Zhang  and  Yu Zhang
In this paper, we develop a model in which a monopolistic firm manufactures and sells a digital product, by incorporating digital rights management (DRM), quality degradation of pirated products, and government copyright enforcement into the consumer’s utility function. We determine the monopolist’s optimal pricing strategies and the appropriate DRM protection level [...] Read more

Journal Article
The effectiveness of the european central bank in pursuing its prime mandate
by Mark Scholliers  and  Herman Matthijs
The objectives and tasks of the European Central Bank (ECB) are defined in Articles 2 and 3 of Protocol (No 4) on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and of the European Central Bank (ECB). While in Article 3,1° of this Protocol other tasks are mentioned, the prime objective of the ESCB and therefore of the ECB, is price stability. This concept was or [...] Read more