Open Access
E-ISSN: 2972-3671
Journal of Information Economics (JIE) is an international journal that aims to publish peer-reviewed research about the production, distribution, use and management of information. JIE seeks a scholarly understanding that is based on empirical research and builds novel theoretical contributions. The purpose of the journal is to provide an interdisciplinary and international forum for theoretical and empirical research that addresses the needs of other researchers, government, and professionals who are involved in the policy-making process. Papers that provoke critical thinking on important subjects are welcomed, including articles that focus on research impact and contributions to knowledge in our special section. The aim is to provide a forum that brings together innovative, reflective, and rigorous scholarship while being relevant for practice.
Frequency: Quarterly
Time to first decision: 2.4 Weeks
Submission to publication: 4 Weeks
Acceptance rate: 26 %
E-ISSN: 2972-3671