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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 20 items)
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Journal Article
Is democracy affecting the economic policy responses to COVID-19? A cross-country analysis
by João Ricardo Costa Filho  and  António Neto
How does democracy relate to the initial economic policy responses to Covid-19? Using a cross country analysis, we find that countries with a higher degree of democracy have stronger economic policy responses than their peers. However, when we separate monetary and financial policies from fiscal policy, democracy is not associated with the latter when we control for the income [...] Read more

Journal Article
Spatial dynamic evolution of environmental infrastructure governance in China
by Ke Guo
The implementation of environmental protection strategy necessarily requires mapping the amount of capital stock of environmental infrastructure. Through the Weibull distribution function and hyperbolic age-decreasing efficiency model, the provincial environmental infrastructure capital stock in China from 1980 to 2018 is measured cautiously, and its spatial dynamics with the g [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
School of Public Policy and Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

Journal Article
COVID-19 and non-communicable diseases: GMM/IV Panel VAR evidence from US states
by Lotanna E. Emediegwu
This paper estimates panel vector autoregressions to analyze the endogenous connection between COVID-19 and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Using weekly, US state-level data, the study finds evidence of a significant positive effect of NCD-related mortality on deaths due to COVID-19. I find this effect to be higher for males than females. Results are robust to several sensiti [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Economics, Policy and International Business, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK

Journal Article
An Examination of Ramsey's Critique: The Lack of Support in Dismissing Keynes's Logical Theory of Probability
by Michael Emmett Brady
In his 1922 review for Cambridge Magazine of Keynes's A Treatise on Probability, and again in his 1926 review "Truth and Probability" (published in 1931 and republished in Kyburg and Smokler's 1980 edition), Ramsey provided examples critiquing Keynes's logical theory of probability. However, these examples do not disprove Keynes's theory as all of them are flawed. The flaws ari [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
College of Business Administration and Public Policy, California State University, Dominguez Hills, USA

Journal Article
Regional Disparities in Inflation Persistence: Unpacking the Dynamics of Price Growth in Portugal
by Eleonora Santos
This paper investigates the degree of inflation persistence across regions in Portugal by analyzing the Consumer Price Index (CPI) growth rates for NUTS II regions. The study employs the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test to determine whether the CPI data for Portugal is stationary or non-stationary. The results of the ADF test reveal that the IPC data for Portugal is non-stati [...] Read more

Journal Article
Which Component of Deposit Drives Systemic Risk Volatility
by Yunying Huang  and  Kenichiro Soyano
Bank deposit is closely related to systemic risks. In addition, considering that resident deposits in China have significant seasonal characteristics, this paper focuses on which component of deposits drives the systemic risk volatility, that is, it can supplement the existing forecast information. We use X-13ARIMA-SEATS to decompose deposit into three subsequences. The researc [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Law and Public Policy, Takaoka University of Law, Toyama-ken, Japan

Journal Article
Confrontation between shareholders and local residents over safety investments in high-risk industries
by Nicolas Piluso
The aim of this article is to model a negotiation between shareholders in high-technology-risk industries and local residents on the safety investments to be implemented. The methodology used is a Nash bargaining model, with a DE curve representing shareholders' dividend demands and an NS curve representing the safety demands of local residents' associations. The model is used [...] Read more

Journal Article
Impact of Carbon Emission Trading Market on Regional Urbanization: an Empirical Study Based on a Difference-In-Differences Model
by Haoyuan Cheng , Xiaoqian Liu  and  Zhenlong Xu
China's carbon emission trading market has been formally established, but few studies have been conducted to analyze the impact of this policy on the regional urbanization level. Therefore, this paper evaluates whether the carbon trading pilot policy can enhance the regional urbanization level in China through the difference-in-differences method and analyzes the mediating role [...] Read more

Journal Article
The gap between formalism and empirical science: the example of the non-dictatorship condition
by W. Robert J. Alexander
Since the establishment of neoclassical economics in the nineteenth century, there has been a debate in the economics profession over the role played by mathematics. Mathematics can add precision to discussion of real-world empirical problems in economics, but care needs to be taken when formalizing a problem to ensure that errors of translation are not made. Formalism allows o [...] Read more

Journal Article
Microblogging Perceptive and Pricing Liquidity: Exploring Asymmetric Information as a Risk Determinant of Liquidity in the Pandemic Environments
by Jawad Saleemi
Liquidity can be a real phenomenon for execution of the financial holding. Its risk falls in debate to impose a conditional cost on the counterparty. The time-varying liquidity is often linked to the expected fundamental value of an investment. In this work, the microblogging-based informed transaction is examined as a determinant of the liquidity-facilitating cost. Most import [...] Read more

Journal Article
Regime Change Operation in Pakistan: Examining Yield as a Behavioral Pattern of Microblogging rumors during the Political-Obsessed Period
by Jawad Saleemi
In the behavioral domain, this study discloses the pattern between microblogging-opinionated information and yields on the investment. This phenomenon is particularly related to the political instability in the Pakistan’s economy through the multivariate techniques. Pre-political crisis, the pessimistic sentiments were priced in yields on the investment. In environments o [...] Read more

Journal Article
How do R&D factors affect total factor productivity: based on stochastic frontier analysis method
by Shikuan Zhao , Wen Tian  and  Abd Alwahed Dagestani
Based on provincial panel data from 1998-2018, this paper estimates research and development (R&D) factors, and a stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) model is constructed to examine the effects of R&D factors on regional total factor productivity (TFP). The results show that both R&D capital stock and R&D personnel can significantly promote regional TFP, but the [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
School of Public Policy and Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

Journal Article
Analysis of Stock Market Information Leakage by RDD
by Jianing Zhu  and  Cunyi Yang
Information leakage in the stock market has been widely proven. Information disclosure is sometimes uneven, and there is significant information asymmetry between ordinary investors and professional institutional investors. In this paper, Regression Discontinuity design (RDD) model is first employed to analyze the information leakage issues. Based on the daily closing stock pri [...] Read more

Journal Article
Does ‘Being Your Own Boss’ raise your chance of becoming someone else’s Boss?
by Lixin Cai
Self-employment is often associated with entrepreneurship and regarded as a driver of innovation, job creation and economic growth. As such, many countries have policies to promote and support self-employment. One mechanism for self-employment to drive job growth is for sole traders to become an employer through hiring employees. However, there are few studies that investigate [...] Read more

Journal Article
The effectiveness of the european central bank in pursuing its prime mandate
by Mark Scholliers  and  Herman Matthijs
The objectives and tasks of the European Central Bank (ECB) are defined in Articles 2 and 3 of Protocol (No 4) on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and of the European Central Bank (ECB). While in Article 3,1° of this Protocol other tasks are mentioned, the prime objective of the ESCB and therefore of the ECB, is price stability. This concept was or [...] Read more

Journal Article
Estimating the dynamics of fiscal financing in emerging economies
by Krastina Dzhambova
I present a theoretical model and an empirical approach for jointly estimating the effectiveness of fiscal policy and the stochastic process of sovereign interest rate shocks. The theoretical model has features relevant to small open and emerging economies. Interest rate shocks affect the ability of firms to finance payroll expenses. This theoretical feature creates a propagati [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Impact of COVID-19 on Women’s Employment: Evidence from China
by Dong Zhou , Langchuan Peng  and  Shouer Chen
This paper investigates the impacts of COVID-19 on women’s employment and gender disparity with a longitudinal dataset spanning the pandemic. We exploit the regional intensities of social vulnerability and temporal variation to implement the difference-in-differences (DID) estimation. The results indicate that the pandemic and its associated lockdowns generate a significa [...] Read more

Journal Article
Public spending and economic growth in Ivory Coast: Wagner’s law
by Siriki Coulibaly  and  Pierre Guei
This study simultaneously tests Wagner’s law on one hand and Keynes proposition on the other hand related both government spending and output in Ivory Coast that experiencing long run economic growth and widened deficit. That challenges the country’s fiscal sustainability. With annual data from 1980 to 2020, results show that Wagner’s law holds, the elasticity [...] Read more

Journal Article
How Does FDI-Led Growth Strategy Work? Some Lessons from China for Developing Countries
by Kevin H. Zhang
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is widely viewed as a key driving force behind China’s exceptional growth performance in the last four decades. This paper investigates several questions posed by China’s success in capturing gains from FDI. What explains that success? Can other countries replicate it, or is it unique to China? What lessons are from China for other co [...] Read more

Journal Article
Carbon emissions trading price forecasts by multi-perspective fusion
by Chong Zhang  and  Zhiying Feng
The precise prediction of carbon emissions trading prices is the foundation for the stable and sustainable development of the carbon financial market. In recent years, influenced by a combination of factors such as the pandemic, trading regulations, and policies, carbon prices have exhibited strong random volatility and clear non-stationary characteristics. Traditional single-p [...] Read more