Digitalization is nowadays one of the fastest developing processes. The adoption of digital technologies can provide innumerous opportunities for the organizations to evolve and gain competitive advantage by leveraging of technologies to respond to dynamic expectations and demands. Information about the country digitalization level is essential to decision makers in both public and private organizations. It can present insights on which areas need the most investment, and furthermore to gain feedback on the outcomes of these investments. For companies, it can create a certain predictability on which products and services will be required the most. To assess the evolution of this process in different countries, various indexes were proposed and employed by different corporations. The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) and ICT Development Index (IDI) are used by public organizations. Digitalization Index (DiGiX) and Cisco Digital Readiness Index (CISCO) are used by private companies. Comparing two sectors highlights the most common factors of digital evaluation. Indexes are analyzed thoroughly by their structure, coverage, weights, methodology and ranking. The result of the practical work is a equivalence table which shows the percentage of their similarity. Additionally, a new digitalization index is proposed, based on the result of the previous comparison, which can be applied to analyze both public and private sector of the country’s digitalization level.
Korzhyk, O., Gomes, J. V., & João, G. (2024). Similarities and differences between digitalization indexes. Journal of Economic Analysis, 3(3), 70. doi:10.58567/jea03030008
ACS Style
Korzhyk, O.; Gomes, J. V.; João, G. Similarities and differences between digitalization indexes. Journal of Economic Analysis, 2024, 3, 70. doi:10.58567/jea03030008
AMA Style
Korzhyk O, Gomes J V, João G. Similarities and differences between digitalization indexes. Journal of Economic Analysis; 2024, 3(3):70. doi:10.58567/jea03030008
Chicago/Turabian Style
Korzhyk, Olena; Gomes, Jorge V.; João, Gonçalo 2024. "Similarities and differences between digitalization indexes" Journal of Economic Analysis 3, no.3:70. doi:10.58567/jea03030008
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ACS Style
Korzhyk, O.; Gomes, J. V.; João, G. Similarities and differences between digitalization indexes. Journal of Economic Analysis, 2024, 3, 70. doi:10.58567/jea03030008
AMA Style
Korzhyk O, Gomes J V, João G. Similarities and differences between digitalization indexes. Journal of Economic Analysis; 2024, 3(3):70. doi:10.58567/jea03030008
Chicago/Turabian Style
Korzhyk, Olena; Gomes, Jorge V.; João, Gonçalo 2024. "Similarities and differences between digitalization indexes" Journal of Economic Analysis 3, no.3:70. doi:10.58567/jea03030008
APA style
Korzhyk, O., Gomes, J. V., & João, G. (2024). Similarities and differences between digitalization indexes. Journal of Economic Analysis, 3(3), 70. doi:10.58567/jea03030008
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