This study investigates the impact of institutions and public agricultural Research and Development (R&D) on agricultural productivity in low- and middle-income countries. The paper employs panel data with fixed-effects models, spanning 12 years and including 49 low-and middle-income countries. Agricultural productivity is measured by cereal yield, while institutional factors are assessed through four key indicators: judicial independence, property rights protection, contract enforcement, and impartial public administration. Public agricultural R&D investments serve as the measure for agricultural R&D. The findings show that property rights protection positively influences agricultural productivity, whereas legal contract enforcement has a negative impact across these countries. Additionally, public agricultural R&D significantly and positively affect productivity in Asia and the LAC regions, but not in sub-Saharan Africa.
Tovilode, A. J., & Moon, W. (2025). Impact of Institutional Quality and Research and Development (R&D) on Agricultural Productivity in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. Journal of Economic Analysis, 4(2), 100. doi:10.58567/jea04020003
ACS Style
Tovilode, A. J.; Moon, W. Impact of Institutional Quality and Research and Development (R&D) on Agricultural Productivity in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. Journal of Economic Analysis, 2025, 4, 100. doi:10.58567/jea04020003
AMA Style
Tovilode A J, Moon W. Impact of Institutional Quality and Research and Development (R&D) on Agricultural Productivity in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. Journal of Economic Analysis; 2025, 4(2):100. doi:10.58567/jea04020003
Chicago/Turabian Style
Tovilode, Agossou J.; Moon, Wanki 2025. "Impact of Institutional Quality and Research and Development (R&D) on Agricultural Productivity in Low-and Middle-Income Countries" Journal of Economic Analysis 4, no.2:100. doi:10.58567/jea04020003
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ACS Style
Tovilode, A. J.; Moon, W. Impact of Institutional Quality and Research and Development (R&D) on Agricultural Productivity in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. Journal of Economic Analysis, 2025, 4, 100. doi:10.58567/jea04020003
AMA Style
Tovilode A J, Moon W. Impact of Institutional Quality and Research and Development (R&D) on Agricultural Productivity in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. Journal of Economic Analysis; 2025, 4(2):100. doi:10.58567/jea04020003
Chicago/Turabian Style
Tovilode, Agossou J.; Moon, Wanki 2025. "Impact of Institutional Quality and Research and Development (R&D) on Agricultural Productivity in Low-and Middle-Income Countries" Journal of Economic Analysis 4, no.2:100. doi:10.58567/jea04020003
APA style
Tovilode, A. J., & Moon, W. (2025). Impact of Institutional Quality and Research and Development (R&D) on Agricultural Productivity in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. Journal of Economic Analysis, 4(2), 100. doi:10.58567/jea04020003
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