This research evaluates the efficacy of survival models in forecasting startup failures and investigates their economic implications. Several machine learning survival models, including Kernel SVM, DeepSurv, Survival Random Forest, and MTLR, are assessed using the concordance index (C-index) as a measure of prediction accuracy. The findings reveal that more sophisticated models, such as Multi-Task Logical Regression (MTLR) and Random Forest, outperform the standard Cox and Kaplan Meier (K-M) models in terms of predicted accuracy.
Vallarino, D. (2023). Machine Learning Survival Models restrictions: the case of startups time to failed with collinearity-related issues. Journal of Economic Statistics, 1(3), 14. doi:10.58567/jes01030001
ACS Style
Vallarino, D. Machine Learning Survival Models restrictions: the case of startups time to failed with collinearity-related issues. Journal of Economic Statistics, 2023, 1, 14. doi:10.58567/jes01030001
AMA Style
Vallarino D. Machine Learning Survival Models restrictions: the case of startups time to failed with collinearity-related issues. Journal of Economic Statistics; 2023, 1(3):14. doi:10.58567/jes01030001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Vallarino, Diego 2023. "Machine Learning Survival Models restrictions: the case of startups time to failed with collinearity-related issues" Journal of Economic Statistics 1, no.3:14. doi:10.58567/jes01030001
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ACS Style
Vallarino, D. Machine Learning Survival Models restrictions: the case of startups time to failed with collinearity-related issues. Journal of Economic Statistics, 2023, 1, 14. doi:10.58567/jes01030001
AMA Style
Vallarino D. Machine Learning Survival Models restrictions: the case of startups time to failed with collinearity-related issues. Journal of Economic Statistics; 2023, 1(3):14. doi:10.58567/jes01030001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Vallarino, Diego 2023. "Machine Learning Survival Models restrictions: the case of startups time to failed with collinearity-related issues" Journal of Economic Statistics 1, no.3:14. doi:10.58567/jes01030001
APA style
Vallarino, D. (2023). Machine Learning Survival Models restrictions: the case of startups time to failed with collinearity-related issues. Journal of Economic Statistics, 1(3), 14. doi:10.58567/jes01030001
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