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Articles ( Showing 21-40 of 47 items)
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Journal Article
Greasing the revolving door: foreign aid, governance, and private capital flows
by Ugochukwu Anyanwu  and  Amarachukwu Anyanwu
There is a considerable amount of debate on the impact of capital liberalization on economic performance. Using Three-Stage Least Squares (3SLS) estimation technique introduced by Zellner and Theil (1962), we synthesize studies on the determinants of governance and capital flows. We find evidence of a revolving door relationship. Foreign aid has a negative impact on governance [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Economics and Finance, LUISS Guido Carli University, Roma, Italy
Department of Financial and Business Systems, Lincoln University, Lincoln, New Zealand

Journal Article
The Impact of COVID-19 on Women’s Employment: Evidence from China
by Dong Zhou , Langchuan Peng  and  Shouer Chen
This paper investigates the impacts of COVID-19 on women’s employment and gender disparity with a longitudinal dataset spanning the pandemic. We exploit the regional intensities of social vulnerability and temporal variation to implement the difference-in-differences (DID) estimation. The results indicate that the pandemic and its associated lockdowns generate a significa [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Cultural Industry and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Institute of Economics and Finance, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, China

Journal Article
Navigating the Confluence of Inequality and STEM Equity: An Australian Perspective
by Alicia Liu , Safdar Khan  and  Alexandra Bec
This study underscores the chronic issue of gender pay disparity that prevails across different STEM fields and educational qualification levels in Australia. Despite instances where women's incomes may align or even surpass men's, the broader pattern of inequality remains undeniable. The study advocates for targeted strategies to address gender pay gaps, particularly in fields [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Bond Business School, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia
University of Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Australia

Journal Article
Aggregate Investor Sentiment and Time-Varying Price Discovery: Evidence from the Options Market
by Yaping Zhou  and  Dayong Lv
Previous literature shows that the price-discovery ability of options market varies substantially over time. Using data of Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 exchange-traded fund options, this paper shows that options prices contribute relatively less to price discovery during low-sentiment periods, but the price-discovery ability of options market remains unchanged during high-sentime [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
School of Financial Technology, Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance, Shanghai, China

Journal Article
ESG-focused hedge fund activism
by Derwis Dilek
Investment funds are increasingly focusing on ESG issues, seeking to contribute to improving environmental, social, and governance concerns. ESG-focused investing involves promoting good ESG performance and may result in a decrease in expected financial returns. This may lead to a conflict between solely profit-focused shareholders and ESG-focused investors, who may respond acc [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Institute for Law and Regulation of Digitalisation, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany

Journal Article
Confrontation between shareholders and local residents over safety investments in high-risk industries
by Nicolas Piluso
The aim of this article is to model a negotiation between shareholders in high-technology-risk industries and local residents on the safety investments to be implemented. The methodology used is a Nash bargaining model, with a DE curve representing shareholders' dividend demands and an NS curve representing the safety demands of local residents' associations. The model is used [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
IUT GEA Ponsan, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France

Journal Article
Spatial dynamic evolution of environmental infrastructure governance in China
by Ke Guo
The implementation of environmental protection strategy necessarily requires mapping the amount of capital stock of environmental infrastructure. Through the Weibull distribution function and hyperbolic age-decreasing efficiency model, the provincial environmental infrastructure capital stock in China from 1980 to 2018 is measured cautiously, and its spatial dynamics with the g [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
School of Public Policy and Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

Journal Article
Psychopathy, prospect theory, and the Madoff Curve: a dual behavioral neuroscience and behavioral economic framework for understanding White Collar Crime
by Eric C. Prichard  and  Adam J. McKee
Reckless behavior by business leaders can be a systemic risk for individual firms and the economies in which the firms exist. We propose that a synthesis of behavioral economics, in particular prospect theory, and the study of psychopathy may help researchers better understand why some business leaders engage in high-risk criminal activity. We propose that psychopathy is associ [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Arkansas at Monticello, Monticello, USA

Journal Article
Post-Pandemic Rental Housing Affordability Economics in the U.S., U.K., & Canada
by Grant Alexander Wilson , Jason Jogia  and  Tyler Case
Rental unaffordability is defined as spending more than 30% of a household’s gross income on rent. Post-pandemic inflation and interest rate increases have intensified rental unaffordability. This research examines rental affordability in the U.S., the U.K., and Canada. It also explores the effect of renters’ “affordability knowledge” – defined as [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Hill & Levene Schools of Business, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Journal Article
How Does FDI-Led Growth Strategy Work? Some Lessons from China for Developing Countries
by Kevin H. Zhang
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is widely viewed as a key driving force behind China’s exceptional growth performance in the last four decades. This paper investigates several questions posed by China’s success in capturing gains from FDI. What explains that success? Can other countries replicate it, or is it unique to China? What lessons are from China for other co [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Economics, Illinois State University Normal, IL 61790-4200, US

Journal Article
Estimating the dynamics of fiscal financing in emerging economies
by Krastina Dzhambova
I present a theoretical model and an empirical approach for jointly estimating the effectiveness of fiscal policy and the stochastic process of sovereign interest rate shocks. The theoretical model has features relevant to small open and emerging economies. Interest rate shocks affect the ability of firms to finance payroll expenses. This theoretical feature creates a propagati [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics, University of Wisconsin- Whitewater, Whitewater, USA

Journal Article
The gap between formalism and empirical science: the example of the non-dictatorship condition
by W. Robert J. Alexander
Since the establishment of neoclassical economics in the nineteenth century, there has been a debate in the economics profession over the role played by mathematics. Mathematics can add precision to discussion of real-world empirical problems in economics, but care needs to be taken when formalizing a problem to ensure that errors of translation are not made. Formalism allows o [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
School of Business and Creative Industries, University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, Australia

Journal Article
Informality as a Driving Force for Corruption in Economy: A Neoclassical Simulation
by Emerson Abraham Jackson
This paper examines the link between informality and corruption, two interlinked phenomena that have negative impacts on economic development. The paper presents a neoclassical model simulation that illustrates how informality can drive corruption in the economy, emphasizing the incentives for corruption in an economy with informal and formal sectors. The model provides insight [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Research Scholar, University of Birmingham and Bank of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Journal Article
COVID-19 and non-communicable diseases: GMM/IV Panel VAR evidence from US states
by Lotanna E. Emediegwu
This paper estimates panel vector autoregressions to analyze the endogenous connection between COVID-19 and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Using weekly, US state-level data, the study finds evidence of a significant positive effect of NCD-related mortality on deaths due to COVID-19. I find this effect to be higher for males than females. Results are robust to several sensiti [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Economics, Policy and International Business, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK

Journal Article
An Examination of Ramsey's Critique: The Lack of Support in Dismissing Keynes's Logical Theory of Probability
by Michael Emmett Brady
In his 1922 review for Cambridge Magazine of Keynes's A Treatise on Probability, and again in his 1926 review "Truth and Probability" (published in 1931 and republished in Kyburg and Smokler's 1980 edition), Ramsey provided examples critiquing Keynes's logical theory of probability. However, these examples do not disprove Keynes's theory as all of them are flawed. The flaws ari [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
College of Business Administration and Public Policy, California State University, Dominguez Hills, USA

Journal Article
Is democracy affecting the economic policy responses to COVID-19? A cross-country analysis
by João Ricardo Costa Filho  and  António Neto
How does democracy relate to the initial economic policy responses to Covid-19? Using a cross country analysis, we find that countries with a higher degree of democracy have stronger economic policy responses than their peers. However, when we separate monetary and financial policies from fiscal policy, democracy is not associated with the latter when we control for the income [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
University College London, London, United Kingdom

Journal Article
Student loan debt and U.S. married households’ stock investment decisions
by Thomas Korankye
This study aims to examine the effects of student loan debt on the decisions of U.S. married households to invest in stocks located in non-retirement accounts. Using longitudinal datasets from the 2011 to 2017 U.S. Panel Study of Income Dynamics and a fixed effects logit model, the results show mixed findings. The presence of student debt decreases the probability that married [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Personal and Family Financial Planning, Norton School of Human Ecology, The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

Journal Article
Reasonableness and Correctness for Operational Value-at-Risk
by Peter Mitic
Calculating the amount of regulatory capital to cover unexpected losses due to operational events in the upcoming year has caused problems because of difficulties in fitting probability distributions to data. It is consequently difficult to judge an appropriate level of capital that reflects the risk profile of a financial institution. We provide theoretical and empirical analy [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Computer Science, University College London, London, UK

Journal Article
Bayesian-Nash equilibria for fuzzy value auctions
by Alexey S. Shvedov
This paper analyses a model of private value auctions with symmetric risk-neutral bidders, where bidders' private values of an indivisible good are fuzzy. The auction is studied as a game with incomplete information. Fuzzy random variables, their quantile functions, and expressions for expectations through quantile functions are used. An explicit expression for the solution is [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Applied Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya ulitsa, Moscow, 101000, Russia

Journal Article
How Does Digitization Affect Sports Industry Development and Public Health?
by Ume Lailag  and  Wenxin Chen
Speeding up digital development and building "digital China" is an important strategic deployment of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and a concrete measure to promote the high-quality development of China's sports industry and national health. Based on provincial data in China from 2011 to 2019, an empirical model is used to analyze the relationship between digital construction, spor [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
School of Social Sciences & Humanities, National University of Science & Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan