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Articles ( Showing 21-40 of 33 items)
Searched for: [ Keywords: "Firm productivity" ] clear all
Journal Article
The business cycle’s influence on share repurchases of the UK
by Adhiraj Sodhi , Cesario Mateus , Irina Mateus  and  Aleksandar Stojanovic
The UK fully legalised open market share repurchases in 1981, and to our knowledge no study has investigated the business cycle’s influence on repurchase decision-making. We address this aspect and investigate the period 1985-2014. This is relevant as the business cycle factors impact the firm-specific variables such as cash flow, profitability, dividends and capital stru [...] Read more

Journal Article
Research on the Heterogeneity of Green Biased Technology Progress in Chinese Industries: Decomposition Index Analysis Based on the Slacks-based measure integrating
by Yuxin Meng , Lu Liu , Zhenlong Xu , Wenwen Gong  and  Guanpeng Yan
Green-biased technological progress takes into account the influence of energy input and pollution emissions, which is of great significance to China's green development. This paper decomposes technological progress into two categories: green input-biased technological progress (IBTC) and green output-biased technological progress (OBTC), using the Slacks-based measure integrat [...] Read more

Journal Article
Does Nomination Committee Matter for Innovation?
by Meriam Attia , Ouidad Yousfi  and  AbdelWahed Omri
This study analyzes how the presence and the composition of nomination committees could influence innovation. Specifically, we focus on the committee size, the frequency of meetings, and the presence of independent and female members. Innovation is measured by (1) the firm’s ability to produce innovations such as new or improved products/processes and the number of patent [...] Read more

Journal Article
Estimating the dynamics of fiscal financing in emerging economies
by Krastina Dzhambova
I present a theoretical model and an empirical approach for jointly estimating the effectiveness of fiscal policy and the stochastic process of sovereign interest rate shocks. The theoretical model has features relevant to small open and emerging economies. Interest rate shocks affect the ability of firms to finance payroll expenses. This theoretical feature creates a propagati [...] Read more

Journal Article
Welfare Effects of Commodity Taxation
by Fritz Helmedag
In reality firms most often face negatively sloped demand curves. Then, for a given level of consumers’ surplus, levies on prices yield higher fiscal revenues than specific duties. Therefore, according to the prevailing view, the switch from unit to ad valorem taxation is supposed to generate more welfare; some even speak of an associated Pareto-improvement. However, this [...] Read more

Journal Article
Green HR Practices & Green Recovery Performance: The Mediating role of P-O Fit & Affective Commitment in Fast Food Industry of Pakistan
by Sainan Zhao
Environmental concerns are increasing and business firms are inclined towards adoption of eco-friendly products and services. They are hiring employees via set of green HRM practices and struggling to become an environmentally sustainable firm. Pakistani food industry is booming day by day. However, less is known about the green HRM practices executed in the fast food industry [...] Read more

Journal Article
ESG-focused hedge fund activism
by Derwis Dilek
Investment funds are increasingly focusing on ESG issues, seeking to contribute to improving environmental, social, and governance concerns. ESG-focused investing involves promoting good ESG performance and may result in a decrease in expected financial returns. This may lead to a conflict between solely profit-focused shareholders and ESG-focused investors, who may respond acc [...] Read more

Journal Article
Keynesian Without the Policy: Why the Business Cycle is all about Business Confidence and Finance
by Karl Johan Bergstrӧ m
Many of Keynes´s ideas and concepts are proven correct in this paper. The demand side, mainly business investments, drives the economy. Business firms steer the business cycle via profit expectations and animal spirits. Injections to and withdrawals from the circular flow of income are multiplied throughout the economy in accordance with Keynes´s multiplier. A sudde [...] Read more

Journal Article
Gender Disparities in Land Rights a Myth or a Reality? Case studies of the situations in Kenya and Tanzania
by Sule Ayannor Issaka
All things being equal, and in a truly democratic world, one will expect that the fact that women are the majority in almost every single community of the world should guarantee them at least equal control or ownership over resources and enjoy most of the rights and privileges in that particular community. But things seem not to be working that way as evidence from the literatu [...] Read more

Journal Article
Divergences among ESG rating systems: Evidence from financial indexes
by Conghao Zhu  and  Cunyi Yang
This paper specifically underscores the disparities among various ESG rating systems in China, highlighting their varied interpretations and emphasis on corporate financial factors. Analyzing data on Chinese listed firms from 2009-2022, we observe that while company size and leverage ratio uniformly correlate with ESG scores across rating agencies such as Bloomberg, Huazheng, W [...] Read more

Journal Article
Green Credit Policy, Institution Supply and Enterprise Green Innovation
by Chunji Zheng , Feng Deng , Chengfeng Zhuo  and  Weiheng Sun
Green credit policy (GCP) relies on financial means to promote environmental governance. Whether it can achieve the goals of economic development and environmental protection, especially in the context of different institutional supplies, remains to be scientifically tested. Based on the implementation of China’s Green Credit Guidelines in 2012, this study uses panel data [...] Read more

Journal Article
The budget deficit in an endogenous growth model with bequest and money holdings
by Yasuhito Tanaka
By an endogenous growth model with a two-period overlapping generations structure, I examine the existence of a budget deficit in an economy that endogenously grows by investments of firms. The consumers leave bequests to their descendants and hold money as a part of their savings. I use a Barro-type utility function, where people include the utility of their children in their [...] Read more

Journal Article
Innovation with ecological sustainability: Does corporate environmental responsibility matter in green innovation?
by Xiaoli Hao , Wenqian Fu  and  Khaldoon Albitar
Green innovation, driven by China's new development concept, plays a crucial role in high-quality economic development. In line with the green development trend, businesses increasingly prioritize whether their corporate environmental responsibilities (CER) can effectively enhance corporate green innovation (CGI) levels. This paper examines the influence and mechanism of CER on [...] Read more