Open Access Journal Article

Vector Error Correction Models with Stationary and Nonstationary Variables

by Pu Chen a,* orcid
Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received: 10 December 2023 / Accepted: 14 January 2024 / Published Online: 15 June 2024


Vector Error Correction Models (VECM) have become a standard tool in empirical economics for analyzing nonstationary time series data because they integrate two key concepts in economics: equilibrium and dynamic adjustment in a single model. The current standard VECM procedure is limited to time series data with the same degree of integration, i.e., all I(1) variables. However, empirical studies often involve time series data with different de‐grees of integration, necessitating the simultaneous handling of I(1) and I(0) time series. This paper extends the standard VECM to accommodate mixed I(1) and I(0) variables. The conditions for the mixed VECM are derived, and consequently, we present a test and estimation for the mixed VECM.

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ACS Style
Chen, P. Vector Error Correction Models with Stationary and Nonstationary Variables. Economic Analysis Letters, 2024, 3, 55.
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Chen P. Vector Error Correction Models with Stationary and Nonstationary Variables. Economic Analysis Letters; 2024, 3(2):55.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Chen, Pu 2024. "Vector Error Correction Models with Stationary and Nonstationary Variables" Economic Analysis Letters 3, no.2:55.
APA style
Chen, P. (2024). Vector Error Correction Models with Stationary and Nonstationary Variables. Economic Analysis Letters, 3(2), 55.

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