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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 28 items)
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Journal Article
Regional Disparities in Inflation Persistence: Unpacking the Dynamics of Price Growth in Portugal
by Eleonora Santos
This paper investigates the degree of inflation persistence across regions in Portugal by analyzing the Consumer Price Index (CPI) growth rates for NUTS II regions. The study employs the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test to determine whether the CPI data for Portugal is stationary or non-stationary. The results of the ADF test reveal that the IPC data for Portugal is non-stati [...] Read more

Journal Article
Vector Error Correction Models with Stationary and Nonstationary Variables
by Pu Chen
Vector Error Correction Models (VECM) have become a standard tool in empirical economics for analyzing nonstationary time series data because they integrate two key concepts in economics: equilibrium and dynamic adjustment in a single model. The current standard VECM procedure is limited to time series data with the same degree of integration, i.e., all I(1) variables. However, [...] Read more

Journal Article
Testing the Oswald hypothesis with Australian census data 2001-2016
by Megha Raut  and  W. Robert J. Alexander
The Oswald hypothesis is that home ownership reduces mobility and through that channel results in poorer labor market outcomes. There has been only limited previous evidence on the Australian case. Here we use data from the first four Australian censuses of the twenty-first century, aggregated at the smallest geographical areas for which statistics are released. We propose test [...] Read more

Journal Article
Aggregate Investor Sentiment and Time-Varying Price Discovery: Evidence from the Options Market
by Yaping Zhou  and  Dayong Lv
Previous literature shows that the price-discovery ability of options market varies substantially over time. Using data of Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 exchange-traded fund options, this paper shows that options prices contribute relatively less to price discovery during low-sentiment periods, but the price-discovery ability of options market remains unchanged during high-sentime [...] Read more

Journal Article
Modeling the Potential Impact of Government Regulation on Cryptocurrency Prices
by Kylie LoPiccolo  and  Francis Parisi
Cryptocurrencies have gained popularity over the past five to six years. Most recently, events like the FTX bankruptcy fueled the interest in regulation. Moreover, it is possible that the FTX event disrupting the cryptocurrency market was a factor in Silicon Valley Bank's failure. While several countries consider regulation, from soft regulation, like Japan, to more rigid stand [...] Read more

Journal Article
Carbon emissions trading price forecasts by multi-perspective fusion
by Chong Zhang  and  Zhiying Feng
The precise prediction of carbon emissions trading prices is the foundation for the stable and sustainable development of the carbon financial market. In recent years, influenced by a combination of factors such as the pandemic, trading regulations, and policies, carbon prices have exhibited strong random volatility and clear non-stationary characteristics. Traditional single-p [...] Read more

Journal Article
Which Component of Deposit Drives Systemic Risk Volatility
by Yunying Huang  and  Kenichiro Soyano
Bank deposit is closely related to systemic risks. In addition, considering that resident deposits in China have significant seasonal characteristics, this paper focuses on which component of deposits drives the systemic risk volatility, that is, it can supplement the existing forecast information. We use X-13ARIMA-SEATS to decompose deposit into three subsequences. The researc [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Impact of RCEP on Dual Circulation and Greater Bay Area — From the Perspective of China’s Stock Market Conditions
by Bin Mo  and  He Nie
With the daily data from Nov 20, 2019 to Oct 31, 2022, this paper examines the dynamic nonlinear effects of RCEP on Dual Circulation and Greater Bay Area stock market from a quantile perspective. The rolling window quantile regressions detect the positive effects of RCEP on Dual Circulation and Greater Bay Area stock markets with significant time-varying characteristics. Meanwh [...] Read more

Journal Article
Analysis of Stock Market Information Leakage by RDD
by Jianing Zhu  and  Cunyi Yang
Information leakage in the stock market has been widely proven. Information disclosure is sometimes uneven, and there is significant information asymmetry between ordinary investors and professional institutional investors. In this paper, Regression Discontinuity design (RDD) model is first employed to analyze the information leakage issues. Based on the daily closing stock pri [...] Read more

Journal Article
The effects of Energy Performance Certificates in energy poverty: A brief overview
by Inês Carrilho Nunes  and  Margarida Catalão Lopes
Energy Performance Certificates are a key tool for achieving energy efficiency in the building sector. The existence of this type of legislation provides incentives for the energy renovation of buildings, increases energy-efficiency investments, and improves social welfare. At the same time, informational asymmetries are mitigated and energy consumption is reduced. However, the [...] Read more

Journal Article
Microblogging Perceptive and Pricing Liquidity: Exploring Asymmetric Information as a Risk Determinant of Liquidity in the Pandemic Environments
by Jawad Saleemi
Liquidity can be a real phenomenon for execution of the financial holding. Its risk falls in debate to impose a conditional cost on the counterparty. The time-varying liquidity is often linked to the expected fundamental value of an investment. In this work, the microblogging-based informed transaction is examined as a determinant of the liquidity-facilitating cost. Most import [...] Read more

Journal Article
Divergences among ESG rating systems: Evidence from financial indexes
by Conghao Zhu  and  Cunyi Yang
This paper specifically underscores the disparities among various ESG rating systems in China, highlighting their varied interpretations and emphasis on corporate financial factors. Analyzing data on Chinese listed firms from 2009-2022, we observe that while company size and leverage ratio uniformly correlate with ESG scores across rating agencies such as Bloomberg, Huazheng, W [...] Read more

Journal Article
The dynamics of traditions and women’s employment: Evidence from a developing country
by Safdar Ullah Khan , Arthur H. Goldsmith  and  Gulasekaran Rajaguru
The workforce participation rate, and hence the level of employment, for women in Pakistan is among the lowest in South Asia – standing at 25 percent in 2023. Conventional explanations attribute this to poor skills and cultural norms of families and society at large. Empirical work has established that low levels of education, and community attitudes regarding gender role [...] Read more

Journal Article
A simulation study on the insurance claims distribution using Weibull distribution
by Hamza Abubakar  and  Muhammad Lawal Danrimi
The Weibull distribution is extensively useful in the field of finance, insurance and natural disasters. Recently, It has been considered as one of the most frequently used statistical distributions in modelling and analyzing stock pricing movement and uncertain prediction in financial and investment data sets, such as insurance claims distribution. It is well known that the Ba [...] Read more

Journal Article
Hedonic and utilitarian online shopping: A preliminary investigation
by Daniele Scarpi de Claricini
This research letter investigates hedonic and utilitarian orientations to Online shopping. The data highlight a positive correlation of hedonism with both the length and the frequency of connection to the Internet. It considers two products, jeans and personal computers, that previous literature had identified as being characterized by utilitarian and hedonic features. The resu [...] Read more

Journal Article
COVID-19 and non-communicable diseases: GMM/IV Panel VAR evidence from US states
by Lotanna E. Emediegwu
This paper estimates panel vector autoregressions to analyze the endogenous connection between COVID-19 and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Using weekly, US state-level data, the study finds evidence of a significant positive effect of NCD-related mortality on deaths due to COVID-19. I find this effect to be higher for males than females. Results are robust to several sensiti [...] Read more

Journal Article
Access to and use of financial services in ECOWAS countries: Is mobile money closing the gender gap?
by Aristide Bonsdaouêndé Valea
This paper deals with the gender gap in accessing and using financial services provided by mobile money and financial institutions. Using data from ECOWAS member countries, we applied the Fairlie decomposition method to estimate and decompose the gender gap. The results show that mobile money contributes to improving of the use of services compared to financial institutions. Ho [...] Read more

Journal Article
Reasonableness and Correctness for Operational Value-at-Risk
by Peter Mitic
Calculating the amount of regulatory capital to cover unexpected losses due to operational events in the upcoming year has caused problems because of difficulties in fitting probability distributions to data. It is consequently difficult to judge an appropriate level of capital that reflects the risk profile of a financial institution. We provide theoretical and empirical analy [...] Read more

Journal Article
Globalization and innovation: Evidence from Vietnamese small and medium sized enterprises
by Ba Hoang Nguyen , Ho Hoang Gia Bao , Hoang Phong Le , Tram B.T. Tran  and  Thanh An Vu
The purpose of this research is to investigate how globalization affects innovation in Vietnam’s small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Utilizing Probit model and the data from Vietnam’s SMEs Survey during the period 2005-2015, the research examines the micro and macro effects of globalization on the innovation of these businesses. The main results show that at [...] Read more

Journal Article
The impact of digital economy development on local fiscal revenue efficiency
by Haixiang Xiao  and  Jiayi Liu
The vigorous development of the digital economy has brought new opportunities and challenges to the construction of local fiscal revenue efficiency. Based on the panel data from 2011 to 2020, this paper uses the fixed effect model, instrumental variable method and other empirical studies to investigate the impact of the development of the digital economy on the efficiency of lo [...] Read more