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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 5 items)
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Journal Article
The role of business environment optimization on entrepreneurship enhancement
by Nannan Wang , Dengfeng Cui , Chuanzhen Geng  and  Zefan Xia
Entrepreneurs are important actors in economic activities and creators of social wealth. Excellent entrepreneurs contribute their wisdom to the accumulation of social wealth and the promotion of high-quality economic and social development. The business environment is the main manifestation of the soft power of cities and regional economic development, and a better business env [...] Read more

Journal Article
Welfare Effects of Commodity Taxation
by Fritz Helmedag
In reality firms most often face negatively sloped demand curves. Then, for a given level of consumers’ surplus, levies on prices yield higher fiscal revenues than specific duties. Therefore, according to the prevailing view, the switch from unit to ad valorem taxation is supposed to generate more welfare; some even speak of an associated Pareto-improvement. However, this [...] Read more

Journal Article
Evaluating Classical and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Credit Risk Analysis
by Bruno Reis  and  António Quintino
Credit scoring remains one of the most important subjects in financial risk management. Although the methods in this field have grown in sophistication, further improvements are necessary. These advances could translate in major gains for financial institutions and other companies that extend credit by diminishing the potential for losses in this process. This research seeks to [...] Read more

Journal Article
Determinants of terrorism in the MENA region: a Bayesian Model Averaging based approach
by Zohra Aroussi , Mekki Hamdaoui  and  Mounir Smida
In this work we aim to identify potential determinants and seek to predict terrorism attack. Thus, to eliminate uncertainty linked to explanatory variables we used the BMA method. We show that, contrary to expectations terrorism in MENA region is no longer purely of economic origin but mainly due to political problems, education, financial development and countries’ demog [...] Read more

Journal Article
Gender Disparities in Land Rights a Myth or a Reality? Case studies of the situations in Kenya and Tanzania
by Sule Ayannor Issaka
All things being equal, and in a truly democratic world, one will expect that the fact that women are the majority in almost every single community of the world should guarantee them at least equal control or ownership over resources and enjoy most of the rights and privileges in that particular community. But things seem not to be working that way as evidence from the literatu [...] Read more