The aim of this study is to solve the problem of labor allocation in cases where the company has fewer employees than the number of existing jobs based on the evaluation of work quality according to multiple objectives. Optimizing labor allocation not only benefits the company by maximizing the use of human resources, but also saves employees' energy. In addition, employees are assigned to tasks that match their skills and qualifications, maximizing their productivity. The research results show that the multi-objective decision-making algorithm based on the Hungarian algorithm is a suitable method to help leaders of companies solve the aforementioned problem text.
Tran, T. B., & Nguyen, H. H. P. (2023). Optimizing Labor Allocation based on Multiobjective Decision Making Using Improved Hungarian Algorithm. Journal of Economic Statistics, 1(3), 15. doi:10.58567/jes01030002
ACS Style
Tran, T. B.; Nguyen, H. H. P. Optimizing Labor Allocation based on Multiobjective Decision Making Using Improved Hungarian Algorithm. Journal of Economic Statistics, 2023, 1, 15. doi:10.58567/jes01030002
AMA Style
Tran T B, Nguyen H H P. Optimizing Labor Allocation based on Multiobjective Decision Making Using Improved Hungarian Algorithm. Journal of Economic Statistics; 2023, 1(3):15. doi:10.58567/jes01030002
Chicago/Turabian Style
Tran, Tram B.; Nguyen, Hien H. P. 2023. "Optimizing Labor Allocation based on Multiobjective Decision Making Using Improved Hungarian Algorithm" Journal of Economic Statistics 1, no.3:15. doi:10.58567/jes01030002
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ACS Style
Tran, T. B.; Nguyen, H. H. P. Optimizing Labor Allocation based on Multiobjective Decision Making Using Improved Hungarian Algorithm. Journal of Economic Statistics, 2023, 1, 15. doi:10.58567/jes01030002
AMA Style
Tran T B, Nguyen H H P. Optimizing Labor Allocation based on Multiobjective Decision Making Using Improved Hungarian Algorithm. Journal of Economic Statistics; 2023, 1(3):15. doi:10.58567/jes01030002
Chicago/Turabian Style
Tran, Tram B.; Nguyen, Hien H. P. 2023. "Optimizing Labor Allocation based on Multiobjective Decision Making Using Improved Hungarian Algorithm" Journal of Economic Statistics 1, no.3:15. doi:10.58567/jes01030002
APA style
Tran, T. B., & Nguyen, H. H. P. (2023). Optimizing Labor Allocation based on Multiobjective Decision Making Using Improved Hungarian Algorithm. Journal of Economic Statistics, 1(3), 15. doi:10.58567/jes01030002
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