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Articles ( Showing 61-80 of 91 items)
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Journal Article
Performance Comparison of Poverty Alleviation through Education, Employment and Industry during the Period of Targeted Poverty Alleviation
by Fateh Saci
Based on the income poverty level differences and multi-dimensional poverty perspective in China, this paper compares the performance of education poverty alleviation, employment poverty alleviation, and industry poverty alleviation. The hypothesis was tested by quantile regression and ordered probit model. The results show that: in the short term, the effect of poverty allevia [...] Read more

Journal Article
Financial literacy of Portuguese undergraduate students in polytechnics: does the area of the course influence financial literacy?
by Paula Sarabando , Roge rio Matias , Pedro Vasconcelos  and  Tiago Miguel
Financial literacy seems to be more important and focused than ever. Several recent studies have found that Portugal is at bottom of the table compared to the Eurozone countries regarding financial literacy. As it’s a key factor in the development of a country, it appears to be crucial to understand what people know about financial matters when they complete compulsory sc [...] Read more

Journal Article
Keynesian Without the Policy: Why the Business Cycle is all about Business Confidence and Finance
by Karl Johan Bergstrӧ m
Many of Keynes´s ideas and concepts are proven correct in this paper. The demand side, mainly business investments, drives the economy. Business firms steer the business cycle via profit expectations and animal spirits. Injections to and withdrawals from the circular flow of income are multiplied throughout the economy in accordance with Keynes´s multiplier. A sudde [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Rural-Urban Divide: Family Social Capital, Family Cultural Capital, and Educational Outcomes of Chinese Adolescents
by Claire Gek Ling Tan  and  Zheng Fang
A large body of research has been dedicated to the study of relationships between social or cultural capital and educational outcomes in Western countries. However, few studies have examined these associations in a Chinese context, and even fewer have examined the effects of both forms of capital on educational outcomes simultaneously within a familial context in China. This st [...] Read more

Journal Article
Five Common Finance and Accounting Problems of Start-Up Companies
by Derrald Stice , Earl K. Stice  and  James D. Stice
You have a product or service for which the world has been waiting. You've scraped together enough cash to get your idea off the ground. You are confident that your business will succeed. And yet, it is often the case that a short time later you are out of business. Numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that about half of new businesses fail within the first [...] Read more

Journal Article
Analysing younger online viewers’ motivation to watch video game live streaming through a positive perspective
by Lifu Li , Kyeong Kang  and  Osama Sohaib
The paper focuses on younger online viewers’ motivation to watch video game live streaming on live streaming platforms. Unlike existing scholars, it analyses younger online viewers’ watching motivation through a positive perspective and draws on the Play-Others-Downtime theory (P-O-D theory) and the motivation theory to establish the research model. By analysing 397 [...] Read more

Journal Article
A Virtual Economics Laboratory: What Generated High Inflation? 14 Different Explanations to One Inflation Period
by Yair Barak
A high inflation period of seven years (1978-1985) in Israel, which turned into a hyperinflation, puzzled Israeli economists, who tried to understand its causes and mechanisms. As a result, they provided fourteen different explanations. Although all of the explanations were based on the same data, the researchers’ conclusions were either different or contradictory. This s [...] Read more

Journal Article
Welfare Effects of Commodity Taxation
by Fritz Helmedag
In reality firms most often face negatively sloped demand curves. Then, for a given level of consumers’ surplus, levies on prices yield higher fiscal revenues than specific duties. Therefore, according to the prevailing view, the switch from unit to ad valorem taxation is supposed to generate more welfare; some even speak of an associated Pareto-improvement. However, this [...] Read more

Journal Article
Migration and Remittances: A network analysis
by Thi Hong Hanh Pham
Applying the network analysis’ tools and a large dataset over 2000-2017, this paper provides insights to the patterns and structure of global and regional migration and remittances as well as the connection between these two phenomena inside a complex network. We reveal that even though the structure of migration and remittance networks is slightly altering, the major cha [...] Read more

Journal Article
Central bank policy formulation under COVID-19 in Ghana: A fit-for-purpose?
by Johnson Worlanyo Ahiadorme  and  Deodat E. Adenutsi
This paper evaluates the fit-for-purpose of the monetary policy measures implemented by the Bank of Ghana in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We examine the effectiveness of the BoG’s policy interventions in the context of vector autoregressions augmented with macroeconomic and financial indicators. We demonstrate that the BoG’s monetary policy measures have had n [...] Read more

Journal Article
Fundamental character of the risk premium to influence the sustainability of the public debt
by Séverine Menguy
Traditionally, conditions of sustainability of the public debt have long been related quite exclusively to fiscal policy and to budgetary parameters. However, the interaction between fiscal and monetary policies regarding the fixation of the interest rate is fundamental. Indeed, a simple analytical modelling shows that if the nominal interest rate increases exponentially with t [...] Read more

Journal Article
The impact and mechanism of the relaxation of fertility policy on income distribution: Evidence from China's Selective Two Children Policy
by Qian Huang , Shoulin Fang , Dongmei Wang , Weiheng Sun , Youcheng Zhou  and  Feiling Lu
Numerous studies have explored the impact of family planning policies on income distribution, but the impact of policy relaxation remains largely unexplored. To address this gap, we investigate the effects of China's selective two-child policy, which was implemented in 2013, using provincial panel data from 2011 to 2016. Specifically, we employ a generalized difference-in-diffe [...] Read more

Journal Article
Portfolio rebalancing in times of stress: Capital markets vs. Commodities
by Rui Manuel Teixeira Dias , Nicole Rebolo Horta  and  Mariana Chambino
In light of the events of 2020 and 2022, this study aims to examine the co-movements between the capital markets of the Netherlands (AEX), France (CAC 40), Germany (DAX 30), the United Kingdom (FTSE 100), Italy (FTSE MIB), Spain (IBEX 35), Russia (IMOEX), and spot prices of crude oil (WTI), silver (XAG), gold (XAU), and platinum (XPT) from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. [...] Read more

Journal Article
Optimal Commodity Storage: Privately and Publicly Financed Storage Compared
by Paul Hallwood
Consideration of optimal commodity storage with different discount rates. Finding that, even with a lower discount rate than private storage, optimal government-financed storage may not narrow price fluctuations compared with optimal privately financed storage because a government has to choose a probability of buffer stock failure greater than zero to economize on storage cost [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are Banks Too Many? A Theoretical Possibility and a Policy Issue
by Gerasimos T. Soldatos  and  Erotokritos Varelas
Motivated by the Blackorby-Schworm (1993) observation that market outcomes may differ from those originating in market-actor optimization, this paper claims that the number of banks in the market is larger than the number justified by bank profit maximization alone or in combination with bank depositor welfare maximization. This claim is made within the context of bilateral mon [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are CEOs Paid for Performance? A Study of CEO’s Compensation in the Public Sector Corporations
by Krishna Reddy
This study provides insight into CEO compensation dynamics in the public sector and private sector publicly listed firms in New Zealand. This research uses descriptive statistics, OLS regression, and the difference-in-difference method to analyze the compensation-performance relationship for the period 2005 to 2012. Our findings show that CEOs in the private sector publicly lis [...] Read more

Journal Article
Inflation: Thruway of ECB’s Monetary Policy
by Christian Seidl
Part of the present inflation is caused by the breakdown of globalization, in particular supply chains, part is caused by the Corona Pandemic, in particular lockdowns, part is caused by the Ukrainian War, part is caused by European sanctions, and part – and not the smallest one – is caused by the European Central Bank’s printing money by hook or by crook in th [...] Read more

Journal Article
Evaluation of Urban High-quality Development Level based on Entropy Weight-TOPSIS Two-step Method
by Yushan Qiu , Shuaishuai Jia , Jianping Liao  and  Xiaohan Yang
Based on fully considering the actual differences in statistical indicators between Hong Kong, Macao, and the nine cities in the Pearl River Delta, this paper constructs a high-quality urban development evaluation system that is suitable for the actual development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The Entropy Weighted TOPSIS two-step method is used to process d [...] Read more

Journal Article
Do Bank Capital Requirements Make Resource Allocation Suboptimal?
by Sangkyun Park
Bank capital requirements would entail large social costs if they made resource allocation suboptimal and banking services costly by unduly limiting the banks’ ability to lend. This paper considers three main factors that may make capital requirements relevant, namely, deposit insurance subsidies, stock valuation errors, and tax shields derived from debt financing. The th [...] Read more

Journal Article
The role of business environment optimization on entrepreneurship enhancement
by Nannan Wang , Dengfeng Cui , Chuanzhen Geng  and  Zefan Xia
Entrepreneurs are important actors in economic activities and creators of social wealth. Excellent entrepreneurs contribute their wisdom to the accumulation of social wealth and the promotion of high-quality economic and social development. The business environment is the main manifestation of the soft power of cities and regional economic development, and a better business env [...] Read more