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Articles ( Showing 181-200 of 221 items)
Searched for: [ Keywords: "Artificial Intelligence, Economic Analysis, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Forecasting, Predictive Analytics" ] clear all
Journal Article
The impact of digital economy development on local fiscal revenue efficiency
by Haixiang Xiao  and  Jiayi Liu
The vigorous development of the digital economy has brought new opportunities and challenges to the construction of local fiscal revenue efficiency. Based on the panel data from 2011 to 2020, this paper uses the fixed effect model, instrumental variable method and other empirical studies to investigate the impact of the development of the digital economy on the efficiency of lo [...] Read more

Journal Article
Corporate social responsibility and the likelihood of external financing
by Shahbaz Sheikh
This paper empirically investigates the relation between firm performance in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the need and likelihood of external financing to test the predictions of agency and stakeholder theories. Empirical results from Logit, Linear Probability Model, OLS and Firm fixed effects regressions indicate that CSR is negatively related to the likelihood an [...] Read more

Journal Article
Underlining issues of emerging economies: a case of East and Southeast Asian Countries
by Mohammad Rezaul Karim  and  Md. Mizanur Rahman
Overall development of a country largely depends on the economic policy instruments particularly fiscal and monetary policy to streamline the development and continue the developmental progress. These two policies have significant effects on long-term growth. It is noticed that policy adoption and reforms in both fiscal and monetary policies undertaken by Southeast Asian nation [...] Read more

Journal Article
Pseudocode and Algorithms for Computer Simulations of Democratically Planned Economies
by Mitchell Szczepanczyk
The claim that “there is no third way” besides the economic models of capitalism and communism has faced a challenge from a new and growing body of research into a “third way” economic paradigm known as democratic planning. In this paper, we explore one of these democratic planning models–Robin Hahnel and Michael Albert’s model of a participa [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Impact of Carbon Emissions Trading on the High Quality Development of Manufacturing Industry - The Evidence from China
by Ying Li  and  Changgeng Zhu
Carbon emissions trading is an important part of emission reduction policy tools, and manufacturing is the foundation of a strong country. This paper explores the impact of carbon emissions trading pilot on the high-quality development of manufacturing industry by using the double difference method. It is found that carbon emissions trading can significantly promote the high-qu [...] Read more

Journal Article
Renewable green oil as a low-cost option for large-scale, long duration energy storage to produce on-demand electricity
by Ajit Sapre  and  Amit Gawade
The rapid growth of renewable solar and wind energy necessitates extensive, long-term energy storage solutions to stabilize the electric grid and address the intermittent nature of these sources. In the absence of cost-effective long-duration, large-scale (LDLS) energy storage, there is a risk of increased disruptive blackouts and brownouts as intermittent energy sources approa [...] Read more

How National Lockdown Restrictions Impacted the New Zealand Female Workforce: A Review
by Kunchana Wanniarachchi  and  Indrapriya Kularatne
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the everyday ways of life across the world. The objective of this study is to understand the impacts of nationwide lockdown restrictions on female workforce of New Zealand. To conduct this study three subsets were selected: working mothers, essential workers and women in high-risk industries. New Zealand has a gender segregated workforce, and m [...] Read more

Journal Article
COVID-19 and SMEs deposits with commercial banks: evidence from African economies
by Abdulazeez Y.H. Saif-Alyousfi
This paper examines the impact of COVID-19 on Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) deposits across 13 African nations from 2016 to 2022, using a seven-year dataset and Ordinary Least Squares estimator. Notably, it uncovers a significant positive link between the pandemic and SMEs deposits, indicating heightened reserves amidst economic uncertainty, potentially driven by ri [...] Read more

Journal Article
Tax effect of digital economy development in China: The policy effect and transmission mechanism
by Jun Mao , Jianmin Liu  and  Zhiyuan Liu
The development of digital economy is becoming an important path to promote the kinetic energy of China's tax revenue development. Based on the panel data from 2011 to 2018, this paper uses Gini coefficient to analyze the regional differences of China's digital economy, and uses fixed effect model, spatial Durbin model, multi-period double difference model and other empirical m [...] Read more

Journal Article
The business cycle’s influence on share repurchases of the UK
by Adhiraj Sodhi , Cesario Mateus , Irina Mateus  and  Aleksandar Stojanovic
The UK fully legalised open market share repurchases in 1981, and to our knowledge no study has investigated the business cycle’s influence on repurchase decision-making. We address this aspect and investigate the period 1985-2014. This is relevant as the business cycle factors impact the firm-specific variables such as cash flow, profitability, dividends and capital stru [...] Read more

Journal Article
The effectiveness of the european central bank in pursuing its prime mandate
by Mark Scholliers  and  Herman Matthijs
The objectives and tasks of the European Central Bank (ECB) are defined in Articles 2 and 3 of Protocol (No 4) on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and of the European Central Bank (ECB). While in Article 3,1° of this Protocol other tasks are mentioned, the prime objective of the ESCB and therefore of the ECB, is price stability. This concept was or [...] Read more

Journal Article
Sustainable Solutions: The Role of Renewable Energy in Creating an Eco-Friendly Environment
by Muhammad Farhan Fiaz Hashmi
Renewable energy has become a crucial topic in recent years as the world is moving towards environment friendly and sustainable energy sources. The aim of this research paper is to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of renewable energy resources such as geothermal, hydro, solar and wind energy in comparison to typical and traditional energy resources such as oil and coal. [...] Read more

Journal Article
An overlapping generations version of Krugman’s world’s smallest macroeconomic model and fiscal deficit
by Yasuhito Tanaka
This paper attempts to introduce an overlapping generations structure into Paul Krugman's "The world's smallest macroeconomic model" (Krugman (1999)) to examine the implications of fiscal policy, particularly fiscal deficits, in a framework suitable for policy analysis. In that paper, Krugman argued that under the price rigidity assumption, a shortage in the money supply leads [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Role of News Sentiments in the Connectedness of GCC Equity Markets
by Moosa Yousuf
This study examines the role of news sentiments in the GCC equity markets’ connectedness. We collected news titles for the period from 22nd June 2006 until 31st December 2020 from Gulf News, which is the most widely read English newspaper in the Arab World. We filter these news titles using a carefully designed list of keywords that capture public sentiment on matters rel [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Influence of Ethnic Identity on the Academic Performance of Chinese College Students: An Empirical Study Based on the Administrative Data of a University
by Zerong Wang
The policy of ethnic equality and solidarity aims to narrow the ethnic gap and develop harmoniously. At the level of higher education, it should promote the equity of ethnic education. This paper uses the administrative data of undergraduate students from 2008 to 2015 in a liberal arts university in southwest China to study the differences, causes and dynamic trends in the scor [...] Read more

The FED’s Strategy on a Targets-based Monetary Policy Framework
by Florian Gerth  and  Yiyang Bian
Major economic and financial contractions usually go hand-in-hand with muted inflation. This has been true for the Great Depression, the Global Financial Crisis, as well as the Covid-19 crisis. In this paper, we theoretically highlight and discuss the evolution of instruments and approaches monetary-policy decision makers at the Federal Reserve have in lifting inflation to desi [...] Read more

Journal Article
Discovering online Chinese consumers’ impulse buying in live streaming by the theory of planned behavior
by Lifu Li  and  Kyeong Kang
The study explores online consumers’ impulse buying intentions and behaviors on live streaming platforms. Unlike traditional shopping modes, the development of real-time video streaming provides online consumers with a distinct approach to interacting with live streamers and browsing online products in real-time, potentially causing their impulse buying intentions. To und [...] Read more

Journal Article
Online consumers build trust with online merchants through real-time interaction function
by Lifu Li
Given the rapid development of live streaming commerce in China, this study focuses on the interactivity and sociability of live streaming shopping activities and explores online consumers’ real-time interaction intentions and trust-building behaviours with online merchants. To discover the real-time interaction between online consumers and online merchants, this study bu [...] Read more

CRISPR-Cas9 Unleashed: Gene-Slicing Adventures in the Cancer Battlefield
by Shivakumar Sonnaila  and  Shilpi Agrawal
Cancer, a global health menace, continues to pose significant challenges in terms of incidence and mortality, necessitating innovative therapeutic strategies. Despite existing treatments, the limitations persist, prompting a quest for novel approaches. The emergence of immunotherapy marked a transformative era in solid tumor treatments, yet its efficacy is constrained by advers [...] Read more

Journal Article
Unlocking the Potential of Chinese Urban Innovation: The Role of Support Policies for New R&D Institutions from an Innovation Chain Management Perspective
by mingyang Zhang
The enactment of policies that bolster new research and development (R&D) institutions stands as a pivotal strategy to catalyze urban innovation and development. Adopting a strategic lens of innovation chain management and employing the Differences-in-Differences (DID) method to scrutinize panel data from 43 Chinese cities spanning 2008 to 2019, this study probes the effica [...] Read more