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Articles ( Showing 201-220 of 233 items)
Searched for: [ Keywords: "Ecological value transformation, Green development, Common prosperity, Entropy method, Correlation analysis" ] clear all
The FED’s Strategy on a Targets-based Monetary Policy Framework
by Florian Gerth  and  Yiyang Bian
Major economic and financial contractions usually go hand-in-hand with muted inflation. This has been true for the Great Depression, the Global Financial Crisis, as well as the Covid-19 crisis. In this paper, we theoretically highlight and discuss the evolution of instruments and approaches monetary-policy decision makers at the Federal Reserve have in lifting inflation to desi [...] Read more

Journal Article
A Decision-Making Framework for Assessing New Rate Mechanisms: The Case of US Gas Distributors
by Kenneth W. Costello
To make an assessment of ratemaking proposals, this article proposes that regulators should consider applying a logical decision-making process, such as multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), that selects or modifies those rate mechanisms that come closest to achieving the public interest, as defined by regulators. MCDA seems like an fitting tool to improve regulatory decisio [...] Read more

Journal Article
Central bank policy formulation under COVID-19 in Ghana: A fit-for-purpose?
by Johnson Worlanyo Ahiadorme  and  Deodat E. Adenutsi
This paper evaluates the fit-for-purpose of the monetary policy measures implemented by the Bank of Ghana in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We examine the effectiveness of the BoG’s policy interventions in the context of vector autoregressions augmented with macroeconomic and financial indicators. We demonstrate that the BoG’s monetary policy measures have had n [...] Read more

Journal Article
Competition in French hospital: Does it impact the patient management in healthcare?
by Carine Milcent
This research paper examines changes in patient care management in acute care hospitals between 2001 and 2011. During this time, there were two opposing factors at play: the competition effect of the reform and the policymaker’s decision to reduce public hospitals across France. By studying the trends, it is evident that there has been a significant overall shift in patie [...] Read more

Journal Article
An overlapping generations version of Krugman’s world’s smallest macroeconomic model and fiscal deficit
by Yasuhito Tanaka
This paper attempts to introduce an overlapping generations structure into Paul Krugman's "The world's smallest macroeconomic model" (Krugman (1999)) to examine the implications of fiscal policy, particularly fiscal deficits, in a framework suitable for policy analysis. In that paper, Krugman argued that under the price rigidity assumption, a shortage in the money supply leads [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Role of News Sentiments in the Connectedness of GCC Equity Markets
by Moosa Yousuf
This study examines the role of news sentiments in the GCC equity markets’ connectedness. We collected news titles for the period from 22nd June 2006 until 31st December 2020 from Gulf News, which is the most widely read English newspaper in the Arab World. We filter these news titles using a carefully designed list of keywords that capture public sentiment on matters rel [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are Industry Returns Informative about Other Industries and Fundamentals?
by Nikiforos T. Laopodis
This paper examines the information content of selected US industries focusing on the dynamic linkages among these industries, the stock market and a number of fundamental variables. The period of investigation spans from January 1960 to December 2021. The empirical strategy includes several methodologies such as regressions, vector autoregressions and volatility models. The id [...] Read more

Unravelling the application of machine learning in cancer biomarker discovery
by Carter William , Choki Wangmo  and  Anjali Ranjan
Machine learning is playing an increasingly important role in the healthcare industry by transforming the way cancer is diagnosed and treated. By analyzing patient data, genomic data, and imaging data, machine learning algorithms can identify molecular signatures that distinguish cancer patients from healthy patients. Biomarkers that can accurately detect and diagnose cancer ca [...] Read more

Journal Article
Sources of Productivity Growth in the Indonesian Manufacturing Industries
by Martha Primanthi  and  Kaliappa Kalirajan
Generating output growth by adding more inputs into the production process may not be sustainable in the long run for any economy, given the limited resources. On the other hand, if productivity growth dominates the production process, it will generate more output without excessive increase in input use. Hence, this paper examines whether the output growth in Indonesia’s [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Influence of Ethnic Identity on the Academic Performance of Chinese College Students: An Empirical Study Based on the Administrative Data of a University
by Zerong Wang
The policy of ethnic equality and solidarity aims to narrow the ethnic gap and develop harmoniously. At the level of higher education, it should promote the equity of ethnic education. This paper uses the administrative data of undergraduate students from 2008 to 2015 in a liberal arts university in southwest China to study the differences, causes and dynamic trends in the scor [...] Read more

Renewable Rush in Syria Faces Economic Crisis
by Mohamad Abou Houran  and  Abd Alwahed Dagestani
Since 2011, the conflict in Syria left the country with a devastating energy sector and fragile economy. The residents struggle daily to live with only two hours a day of electricity. The crisis encouraged some Syrians to assemble photovoltaic (PV) panels to generate energy. Unfortunately, the geopolitical risks, the inflation, and displacement are making the situation worse. T [...] Read more

Journal Article
Greasing the revolving door: foreign aid, governance, and private capital flows
by Ugochukwu Anyanwu  and  Amarachukwu Anyanwu
There is a considerable amount of debate on the impact of capital liberalization on economic performance. Using Three-Stage Least Squares (3SLS) estimation technique introduced by Zellner and Theil (1962), we synthesize studies on the determinants of governance and capital flows. We find evidence of a revolving door relationship. Foreign aid has a negative impact on governance [...] Read more

Journal Article
Temporal Dynamics of Countries' Journey to Cluster-Specific GDP per Capita: A Comprehensive Survival Study
by Diego Vallarino
This research delves into the temporal dynamics of a nation's pursuit of a targeted GDP per capita level, employing five different survival machine learning models, remarkably Deep Learning algorithm (DeepSurv) and Survival Random Forest. This nuanced perspective moves beyond static evaluations, providing a comprehensive understanding of the developmental processes shaping econ [...] Read more

Role of macrophage polarization in cancer progression and their association with COVID-19 severity
by Abhimanyu Thakur , Rumpa Banerjee , Sudha Thakur , Gaurav Kumar  and  Shyam Sundar Thakur
Macrophages are a type of white blood cells that can exist in two different functional states, known as M1 and M2. M1 macrophages secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines that can promote tumor growth and metastasis, whereas M2 macrophages secrete anti-inflammatory cytokines that can inhibit tumor progression. This phenomenon, referred to as macrophage polarization, has been implicat [...] Read more

Journal Article
Informality as a Driving Force for Corruption in Economy: A Neoclassical Simulation
by Emerson Abraham Jackson
This paper examines the link between informality and corruption, two interlinked phenomena that have negative impacts on economic development. The paper presents a neoclassical model simulation that illustrates how informality can drive corruption in the economy, emphasizing the incentives for corruption in an economy with informal and formal sectors. The model provides insight [...] Read more

Journal Article
Economic Unrest and Investment Perspective on Liquidity in relation to the Investor Sentiments
by Jawad Saleemi
Liquidity and its associated issues are one of dominant strands in the market microstructure. In this study, microblogging-based behavioral perspective on economic unrest is linked to the market liquidity. The concept of liquidity is examined in terms of price dispersion relative to the quantity traded. The analysis contains the quantification of multiple linear regression, Gau [...] Read more

Journal Article
Variability of Income Flows of Tourism Companies during a Nine-Year Period
by Iovino Felicetta
The global financial crisis has affected all countries during the period 2007-2014. Tourist companies, especially in Italy, play a significant role in the economy of a country. The performance of tourism companies, and in particular hotels and travel agencies and tour operators, will be analysed in this paper, relative to the period of the crisis. The aim of this paper is to an [...] Read more

Journal Article
Modern cloud technologies for business and industry: opportunities and trends for Russian & Global markets
by Igor Vladimirov , Alexander Vicentiy  and  Oleg Gavrilov
Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing domains of the IT industry, however, the growth rates for each of the models on a global and local (Russian) scale have not been generalized, despite the obvious value of such analysis. Modern business and industry in Russia is going through another period of instability and at the same time is forced to follow the trend of digitali [...] Read more

Journal Article
Knowledge Sources and Manufacturing Enterprise’s Technological Innovation
by Shuang Yao , Ying Li  and  Xin Zhao
This paper uses the questionnaire data of the World Bank’s China Enterprise Survey 2012 to establish a Logit model to empirically study the relationship between knowledge sources and technological innovation in Chinese manufacturing enterprises. The results show that although internal and external knowledge has a positive effect on enterprise technological innovation in g [...] Read more

Journal Article
How Does FDI-Led Growth Strategy Work? Some Lessons from China for Developing Countries
by Kevin H. Zhang
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is widely viewed as a key driving force behind China’s exceptional growth performance in the last four decades. This paper investigates several questions posed by China’s success in capturing gains from FDI. What explains that success? Can other countries replicate it, or is it unique to China? What lessons are from China for other co [...] Read more