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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 53 items)
Searched for: [ Keywords: "Events of 2020 and 2022" ] clear all
Journal Article
Short-Term Shocks Between Central European Stock Markets: An Approach During The 2020 and 2022 Events
by Rui Manuel Teixeira Dias , Mariana Chambino  and  Nicole Rebolo Horta
Stock indexes are used as a barometer of economic health, and fluctuations in these markets can have a substantial influence on the economy. For example, the Covid-19 pandemic caused severe economic disruption, as reflected in stock market indexes. Similarly, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has geopolitical implications that might undermine global trade and economic stability, imp [...] Read more

Journal Article
Asymmetric efficiency of cryptocurrencies during the 2020 and 2022 events
by Mariana Chambino , Rui Manuel Teixeira Dias  and  Nicole Rebolo Horta
In this study, we examined the efficiency of cryptocurrencies Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), DASH, EOS, and MONERO from March 1, 2018, to March 1, 2023. We separated the sample into four subperiods for this purpose: a Tranquil period that includes the period from March 1, 2018, to December 31, 2019; a First Wave that includes the year 2020; a Secon [...] Read more

Journal Article
Portfolio rebalancing in times of stress: Capital markets vs. Commodities
by Rui Manuel Teixeira Dias , Nicole Rebolo Horta  and  Mariana Chambino
In light of the events of 2020 and 2022, this study aims to examine the co-movements between the capital markets of the Netherlands (AEX), France (CAC 40), Germany (DAX 30), the United Kingdom (FTSE 100), Italy (FTSE MIB), Spain (IBEX 35), Russia (IMOEX), and spot prices of crude oil (WTI), silver (XAG), gold (XAU), and platinum (XPT) from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Effect of Public Contract Winning Announcements on Share Prices: An Event-Based Study on the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Eyden Samunderu  and  Anita Yordanova
The purpose of this paper is to examine and elucidate the effect of the announcement of winning a US federal contract by pharmaceutical companies, traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange on the share prices. The analysis is based on a sample of 327 event days from 12 pharmaceutical companies listed on the NASDAQ market for a given period (2010 – 2021). The sample is analysed [...] Read more

Asymmetric Efficiency: Contrasting Sustainable Energy Indices with Dirty Cryptocurrencies
by Rosa Galvão  and  Rui Dias
This paper examines the efficiency, in its weak form, of the clean energy stock indices, Clean Coal Technologies, Clean Energy Fuels, and Wilderhill, as well as the cryptocurrencies classified as "dirty", due to their excessive energy consumption, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETH Classic), and Litecoin (LTC), from January 2020 to May 30, 2023. In ord [...] Read more

Journal Article
Long-Term Dependencies in Central European Stock Markets: A Crisp-Set Analysis
by Rui Manuel Teixeira Dias , Mariana Chambino  and  Nicole Rebolo Horta
This paper intends to analyze efficiency, in its weak form, in the stock markets of Austria (ATX), Poland (WIG), the Czech Republic (PX Prague), Hungary (BUX), Croatia (CROBEX), Serbia (BELEX 15), Romania (BET), and Slovenia (SBI TOP), from February 16, 2018, to February 15, 2023. To achieve the research aim, we intend to answer the following research question: i) Have events i [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Systemic Risk in the Fintech Industry: Evidence from Crisis Events and the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Aktham Maghyereh  and  Jinxin Cui
This paper investigates the effect of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on the systemic risk of the fintech industry. To achieve this goal, we first estimate the evolution of system-wide systemic risk using the CatFin method. We further examine whether EPU significantly affects systemic risk. Our findings demonstrate that the systemic risk of the fintech industry is time-varian [...] Read more

Journal Article
Modeling the Potential Impact of Government Regulation on Cryptocurrency Prices
by Kylie LoPiccolo  and  Francis Parisi
Cryptocurrencies have gained popularity over the past five to six years. Most recently, events like the FTX bankruptcy fueled the interest in regulation. Moreover, it is possible that the FTX event disrupting the cryptocurrency market was a factor in Silicon Valley Bank's failure. While several countries consider regulation, from soft regulation, like Japan, to more rigid stand [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Role of News Sentiments in the Connectedness of GCC Equity Markets
by Moosa Yousuf
This study examines the role of news sentiments in the GCC equity markets’ connectedness. We collected news titles for the period from 22nd June 2006 until 31st December 2020 from Gulf News, which is the most widely read English newspaper in the Arab World. We filter these news titles using a carefully designed list of keywords that capture public sentiment on matters rel [...] Read more

Journal Article
Game Analysis on the effect of consumer coupons and its impact on CPI
by Xiuhai Huang  and  Ping Yu
According to economic theory and common sense, the issuance of consumption coupons on one hand stimulated the increasing of residents' consumption, but on the other pushed up the price level. In this paper, using the theory of mechanism design, the game model was built to analyze the relationship between the effect of consumer coupons during the epidemic and the number of merch [...] Read more

Journal Article
Do Dirty Energies Influence Sustainable Energy Indices Price Formation?
by Rui Dias  and  Rosa Galvão
The clean energy revolution is a global concern. Cross-border collaboration is crucial for sharing knowledge, pooling resources, and tackling complex challenges on a global scale. International partnerships can accelerate innovation by drawing on diverse knowledge and experience from different regions. Access to capital is a key driver of innovation and entrepreneurship in clea [...] Read more

Journal Article
Reasonableness and Correctness for Operational Value-at-Risk
by Peter Mitic
Calculating the amount of regulatory capital to cover unexpected losses due to operational events in the upcoming year has caused problems because of difficulties in fitting probability distributions to data. It is consequently difficult to judge an appropriate level of capital that reflects the risk profile of a financial institution. We provide theoretical and empirical analy [...] Read more

Journal Article
Informed Trading of Sell-Side Analysts: Evidence from Class Action Lawsuits
by Hyoseok David Hwang
This paper examines whether sell-side analyst-affiliated investors trade stocks before their analysts release material information. Using class action lawsuits, I explore the pre-lawsuit periods and investigate how potentially informed analysts trade their covered firms. The event study finds that analyst-affiliated investors reduce their stockholdings of firms prior to their o [...] Read more

Journal Article
ESG-focused hedge fund activism
by Derwis Dilek
Investment funds are increasingly focusing on ESG issues, seeking to contribute to improving environmental, social, and governance concerns. ESG-focused investing involves promoting good ESG performance and may result in a decrease in expected financial returns. This may lead to a conflict between solely profit-focused shareholders and ESG-focused investors, who may respond acc [...] Read more

Journal Article
A Comparative Machine Learning Survival Models Analysis for Predicting Time to Bank Failure in the US (2001-2023)
by Diego Vallarino
This study investigates the likelihood of time to bank failures in the US between 2001 and April 2023, based on data collected from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's report on "Bank Failures in Brief - Summary 2001 through 2023". The dataset includes 564 instances of bank failures and several variables that may be related to the likelihood of such events, such as asse [...] Read more

Journal Article
Dynamics of deposit dollarization in Turkey
by A. Yasemin Yalta  and  A. Talha Yalta
Deposit dollarization in Turkey has been on the rise, reaching record levels in 2022. This was caused by the worsening macroeconomic fundamentals along with the transition to the presidential system in 2018 and the associated deviation from the monetary policy stance afterward. The unique case of Turkey presents an excellent natural experiment to explore the dynamics of deposit [...] Read more

Journal Article
Agricultural Exports, Other Exports, Imports, and Economic Growth: An ARDL Approach for Tunisia
by Emna Trabelsi  and  Nesrine Kachout
This paper aims to study and quantify the impact of agricultural exports on economic growth along with other variables in Tunisia. For that purpose, we estimate the relationship between GDP, agricultural exports, other exports, and imports by applying the ARDL approach under the period 1990-2020. The results show a negative and insignificant impact of agricultural exports on ec [...] Read more

Journal Article
The impact of digital economy development on local fiscal revenue efficiency
by Haixiang Xiao  and  Jiayi Liu
The vigorous development of the digital economy has brought new opportunities and challenges to the construction of local fiscal revenue efficiency. Based on the panel data from 2011 to 2020, this paper uses the fixed effect model, instrumental variable method and other empirical studies to investigate the impact of the development of the digital economy on the efficiency of lo [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Impact of RCEP on Dual Circulation and Greater Bay Area — From the Perspective of China’s Stock Market Conditions
by Bin Mo  and  He Nie
With the daily data from Nov 20, 2019 to Oct 31, 2022, this paper examines the dynamic nonlinear effects of RCEP on Dual Circulation and Greater Bay Area stock market from a quantile perspective. The rolling window quantile regressions detect the positive effects of RCEP on Dual Circulation and Greater Bay Area stock markets with significant time-varying characteristics. Meanwh [...] Read more

Journal Article
Public spending and economic growth in Ivory Coast: Wagner’s law
by Siriki Coulibaly  and  Pierre Guei
This study simultaneously tests Wagner’s law on one hand and Keynes proposition on the other hand related both government spending and output in Ivory Coast that experiencing long run economic growth and widened deficit. That challenges the country’s fiscal sustainability. With annual data from 1980 to 2020, results show that Wagner’s law holds, the elasticity [...] Read more