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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 13 items)
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Journal Article
The role of business environment optimization on entrepreneurship enhancement
by Nannan Wang , Dengfeng Cui , Chuanzhen Geng  and  Zefan Xia
Entrepreneurs are important actors in economic activities and creators of social wealth. Excellent entrepreneurs contribute their wisdom to the accumulation of social wealth and the promotion of high-quality economic and social development. The business environment is the main manifestation of the soft power of cities and regional economic development, and a better business env [...] Read more

Journal Article
Post-Pandemic Rental Housing Affordability Economics in the U.S., U.K., & Canada
by Grant Alexander Wilson , Jason Jogia  and  Tyler Case
Rental unaffordability is defined as spending more than 30% of a household’s gross income on rent. Post-pandemic inflation and interest rate increases have intensified rental unaffordability. This research examines rental affordability in the U.S., the U.K., and Canada. It also explores the effect of renters’ “affordability knowledge” – defined as [...] Read more

Journal Article
Estimating the dynamics of fiscal financing in emerging economies
by Krastina Dzhambova
I present a theoretical model and an empirical approach for jointly estimating the effectiveness of fiscal policy and the stochastic process of sovereign interest rate shocks. The theoretical model has features relevant to small open and emerging economies. Interest rate shocks affect the ability of firms to finance payroll expenses. This theoretical feature creates a propagati [...] Read more

Journal Article
Welfare Effects of Commodity Taxation
by Fritz Helmedag
In reality firms most often face negatively sloped demand curves. Then, for a given level of consumers’ surplus, levies on prices yield higher fiscal revenues than specific duties. Therefore, according to the prevailing view, the switch from unit to ad valorem taxation is supposed to generate more welfare; some even speak of an associated Pareto-improvement. However, this [...] Read more

Journal Article
Evaluating Classical and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Credit Risk Analysis
by Bruno Reis  and  António Quintino
Credit scoring remains one of the most important subjects in financial risk management. Although the methods in this field have grown in sophistication, further improvements are necessary. These advances could translate in major gains for financial institutions and other companies that extend credit by diminishing the potential for losses in this process. This research seeks to [...] Read more

Journal Article
Determinants of terrorism in the MENA region: a Bayesian Model Averaging based approach
by Zohra Aroussi , Mekki Hamdaoui  and  Mounir Smida
In this work we aim to identify potential determinants and seek to predict terrorism attack. Thus, to eliminate uncertainty linked to explanatory variables we used the BMA method. We show that, contrary to expectations terrorism in MENA region is no longer purely of economic origin but mainly due to political problems, education, financial development and countries’ demog [...] Read more

Journal Article
Psychopathy, prospect theory, and the Madoff Curve: a dual behavioral neuroscience and behavioral economic framework for understanding White Collar Crime
by Eric C. Prichard  and  Adam J. McKee
Reckless behavior by business leaders can be a systemic risk for individual firms and the economies in which the firms exist. We propose that a synthesis of behavioral economics, in particular prospect theory, and the study of psychopathy may help researchers better understand why some business leaders engage in high-risk criminal activity. We propose that psychopathy is associ [...] Read more

Journal Article
Does Nomination Committee Matter for Innovation?
by Meriam Attia , Ouidad Yousfi  and  AbdelWahed Omri
This study analyzes how the presence and the composition of nomination committees could influence innovation. Specifically, we focus on the committee size, the frequency of meetings, and the presence of independent and female members. Innovation is measured by (1) the firm’s ability to produce innovations such as new or improved products/processes and the number of patent [...] Read more

Journal Article
ESG-focused hedge fund activism
by Derwis Dilek
Investment funds are increasingly focusing on ESG issues, seeking to contribute to improving environmental, social, and governance concerns. ESG-focused investing involves promoting good ESG performance and may result in a decrease in expected financial returns. This may lead to a conflict between solely profit-focused shareholders and ESG-focused investors, who may respond acc [...] Read more

Journal Article
Special Healthcare Services for Lgbt Cancer Patients
by H. Mitchell  and  R. Jeffrey
In the UK, a concern of prejudice, as well as a lack of gender identity and sexual orientation documentation, implies that LGBT persons mostly hidden to health-care providers. One of a review was carried out to examine primary literature on the psychological support requirements of LGBT cancer patients when receive treatment and after. Important findings: Key topics that have b [...] Read more

Journal Article
Does digital village construction contribute to improving food security?
by Minmin Huang  and  Yanhu Bai
The issue of food security has become a global challenge, and it is therefore crucial to seek measures to ensure food security. As an emerging economic model, the digital economy is regarded as the most effective tool for the modernization of agricultural development. As a large food-producing country, China faces serious problems of agricultural non-point source pollution and [...] Read more

Government deficit and “The World’s smallest macroeconomic model” by Paul Krugman
by Yasuhito Tanaka
In his "The World’s smallest macroeconomic model” (Krugman (1999)), Paul Krugman argued that under the assumption of price rigidity, a shortage of money supply leads to underemployment or recession, so increasing money supply can eliminate underemployment and restore full employment. But, how do we increase the money supply? I will show that we need a government def [...] Read more

Journal Article
Gender Disparities in Land Rights a Myth or a Reality? Case studies of the situations in Kenya and Tanzania
by Sule Ayannor Issaka
All things being equal, and in a truly democratic world, one will expect that the fact that women are the majority in almost every single community of the world should guarantee them at least equal control or ownership over resources and enjoy most of the rights and privileges in that particular community. But things seem not to be working that way as evidence from the literatu [...] Read more