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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 55 items)
Searched for: [ Keywords: "endogenous risk aversion" ] clear all
Journal Article
State intervention in land pricing and endogenous risk aversion
by Yong He
This study explores the cause and effect of endogenous risk aversion in land pricing, where state intervention through taxation remains a general practice. Using a consumption-based asset pricing model incorporating taxation, it is shown that high taxation, due to the indexation effect, supporting land prices and reducing individuals' risk expectations, could lead to an endogen [...] Read more

Journal Article
Reasonableness and Correctness for Operational Value-at-Risk
by Peter Mitic
Calculating the amount of regulatory capital to cover unexpected losses due to operational events in the upcoming year has caused problems because of difficulties in fitting probability distributions to data. It is consequently difficult to judge an appropriate level of capital that reflects the risk profile of a financial institution. We provide theoretical and empirical analy [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Risk Analytics, Santander Bank, London, UK

Journal Article
The Impact of the Corona Virus on Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges
by Abdullah Aloqab , Wen Hu , Omar Ahmed Abdulraqeb , Othman Mohammed  and  Bassam Raweh
The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on economies everywhere, affecting everything from supply chain networks to international trade as a direct result of the increased vulnerability of more nations and the disruption of the activities of key traders. This research study examines how COVID-19 affected the supply chain on a worldwide and regional scale, as well as the systemic po [...] Read more

Journal Article
The budget deficit in an endogenous growth model with bequest and money holdings
by Yasuhito Tanaka
By an endogenous growth model with a two-period overlapping generations structure, I examine the existence of a budget deficit in an economy that endogenously grows by investments of firms. The consumers leave bequests to their descendants and hold money as a part of their savings. I use a Barro-type utility function, where people include the utility of their children in their [...] Read more

Journal Article
Budget deficit and money holding when consumers live forever in an endogenous growth model
by Yasuhito Tanaka
In this paper I will show that budget deficit (or fiscal deficit) is necessary to achieve full employment under constant prices or inflation, using a model of endogenous growth in which consumers hold money for the reason of liquidity and live forever. Budget deficit need not be offset by future budget surpluses. I consider the continuous time case by taking the limit of the di [...] Read more

Journal Article
A Study of Hierarchical Risk Parity in Portfolio Construction
by Debjani Palit  and  Victor R. Prybutok
The construction and optimization of a portfolio is a complex process that has been a historically active research area in finance. For portfolios with highly correlated assets, the performance of traditional risk-based asset allocations methods such as the mean-variance (MV) model is limited when numerous assets are correlated. A novel clustering-based asset allocation method, [...] Read more

Journal Article
Public Diplomacy and Chinese OFDI: Empirical Evidence from the Africa
by Xinjian Ye , Zhuolin Wu , Shuocong Gu  and  Shikuan Zhao
Public diplomacy is a significant factor in promoting policy communication, people-to-people bonds, and the protection of foreign assets between two nations, but there is little research on the economic worth of public diplomacy. Python was used to crawl the daily search frequency of "China", "African countries", and related terms to construct the heat index of China-Africa pub [...] Read more

Journal Article
Fundamental character of the risk premium to influence the sustainability of the public debt
by Séverine Menguy
Traditionally, conditions of sustainability of the public debt have long been related quite exclusively to fiscal policy and to budgetary parameters. However, the interaction between fiscal and monetary policies regarding the fixation of the interest rate is fundamental. Indeed, a simple analytical modelling shows that if the nominal interest rate increases exponentially with t [...] Read more

Journal Article
Does the foreign negative list system aggravate domestic banking industry risks?
by Zineb Hminna , Xuehuan Lu , Tianlei Dai  and  Huiping Gao
In the context of the continuous deepening reform of the foreign investment negative list system and the increasing pressure on financial risk prevention and resolution, it is of great significance to study the impact of the foreign investment negative list system on banking risks. This study is conducted on the basis of systematically sorting out the mechanism of the foreign n [...] Read more

Journal Article
Credit risk and Tunisian bank stability in the Covid-19 wave
by Emna Trabelsi  and  Malek Ben Mansour
Banks are at the core of economic functioning in various countries and are the cause of their development in various fields. In a changing environment, they must deal with certain risks and maintain financial stability as the ultimate objective. The primary objective of this study is to examine the correlation between credit risk and bank stability within the Tunisian banking s [...] Read more

Journal Article
Which Component of Deposit Drives Systemic Risk Volatility
by Yunying Huang  and  Kenichiro Soyano
Bank deposit is closely related to systemic risks. In addition, considering that resident deposits in China have significant seasonal characteristics, this paper focuses on which component of deposits drives the systemic risk volatility, that is, it can supplement the existing forecast information. We use X-13ARIMA-SEATS to decompose deposit into three subsequences. The researc [...] Read more

Journal Article
Portfolio Allocation with Medical Expenditure Risk-A Life Cycle Model and Machine Learning Analysis
by You Du  and  Weige Huang
This paper explores how the medical expenditure risk affects the households’ portfolio choice across health status theoretically in a life cycle model and empirically using machine learning methods. Medical expenditure risk, as a background risk, has the potential to influence households’ financial decisions. A higher medical expenditure risk leads to a larger fluct [...] Read more

Journal Article
Evaluating Classical and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Credit Risk Analysis
by Bruno Reis  and  António Quintino
Credit scoring remains one of the most important subjects in financial risk management. Although the methods in this field have grown in sophistication, further improvements are necessary. These advances could translate in major gains for financial institutions and other companies that extend credit by diminishing the potential for losses in this process. This research seeks to [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Systemic Risk in the Fintech Industry: Evidence from Crisis Events and the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Aktham Maghyereh  and  Jinxin Cui
This paper investigates the effect of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on the systemic risk of the fintech industry. To achieve this goal, we first estimate the evolution of system-wide systemic risk using the CatFin method. We further examine whether EPU significantly affects systemic risk. Our findings demonstrate that the systemic risk of the fintech industry is time-varian [...] Read more

Journal Article
Confrontation between shareholders and local residents over safety investments in high-risk industries
by Nicolas Piluso
The aim of this article is to model a negotiation between shareholders in high-technology-risk industries and local residents on the safety investments to be implemented. The methodology used is a Nash bargaining model, with a DE curve representing shareholders' dividend demands and an NS curve representing the safety demands of local residents' associations. The model is used [...] Read more

Journal Article
Correlation between the immune microenvironment and bladder cancer based on a prognostic miRNA risk model
by Kun Mei , Zilu Chen , Le Huang , Joyce Wang  and  Yong Wei
Background: Bladder cancer (BLCA), particularly invasive BLCA, has become a medical burden worldwide as it is associated with recurrence and easy metastasis. There are specific differences in the expression of various miRNAs in tumor and normal tissues. Hence, miRNAs can be used as biomarkers for tumor diagnosis and prognostic evaluation. The current study aimed to predict the [...] Read more

Journal Article
Microblogging Perceptive and Pricing Liquidity: Exploring Asymmetric Information as a Risk Determinant of Liquidity in the Pandemic Environments
by Jawad Saleemi
Liquidity can be a real phenomenon for execution of the financial holding. Its risk falls in debate to impose a conditional cost on the counterparty. The time-varying liquidity is often linked to the expected fundamental value of an investment. In this work, the microblogging-based informed transaction is examined as a determinant of the liquidity-facilitating cost. Most import [...] Read more

Journal Article
A prognostic aging-related lncRNA risk model correlates with the immune microenvironment in HCC
by Kun Mei , Zilu Chen , Qin Wang , Akbar Ali , Yan Huang  and  Luo Yi
Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) stands out as one of the most lethal cancers globally, given its complexity, recurrence following surgical resection, metastatic potential, and inherent heterogeneity. In recent years, researchers have systematically elucidated the significance of long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) in the initiation and progression of HCC. The intr [...] Read more

Journal Article
COVID-19 and non-communicable diseases: GMM/IV Panel VAR evidence from US states
by Lotanna E. Emediegwu
This paper estimates panel vector autoregressions to analyze the endogenous connection between COVID-19 and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Using weekly, US state-level data, the study finds evidence of a significant positive effect of NCD-related mortality on deaths due to COVID-19. I find this effect to be higher for males than females. Results are robust to several sensiti [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Piped Water and Household Food Consumption: Evidence from Cambodia
by Kimty Seng
This study analyses the effects of piped water on household food consumption per capita by adopting inverse-probability-weighted regression adjustment and endogenous treatment effects approaches with data from the Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey carried out in 2013 and 2017. A complementary analysis of the effects on primary household income per working-age member is also conduc [...] Read more