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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 46 items)
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Journal Article
Corporate social responsibility and the likelihood of external financing
by Shahbaz Sheikh
This paper empirically investigates the relation between firm performance in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the need and likelihood of external financing to test the predictions of agency and stakeholder theories. Empirical results from Logit, Linear Probability Model, OLS and Firm fixed effects regressions indicate that CSR is negatively related to the likelihood an [...] Read more

Journal Article
Fundamental character of the risk premium to influence the sustainability of the public debt
by Séverine Menguy
Traditionally, conditions of sustainability of the public debt have long been related quite exclusively to fiscal policy and to budgetary parameters. However, the interaction between fiscal and monetary policies regarding the fixation of the interest rate is fundamental. Indeed, a simple analytical modelling shows that if the nominal interest rate increases exponentially with t [...] Read more

Journal Article
Student loan debt and U.S. married households’ stock investment decisions
by Thomas Korankye
This study aims to examine the effects of student loan debt on the decisions of U.S. married households to invest in stocks located in non-retirement accounts. Using longitudinal datasets from the 2011 to 2017 U.S. Panel Study of Income Dynamics and a fixed effects logit model, the results show mixed findings. The presence of student debt decreases the probability that married [...] Read more

Journal Article
Don’t worry about the debt-GDP Ratio
by Yasuhito Tanaka
I will show that if the propensity to consume from savings satisfies appropriate conditions, the debt-GDP ratio will not grow infinitely large and fiscal collapse will not occur. Using a basic macroeconomic model, with an overlapping generations model in mind, we show the following results: 1) The budget deficit including interest payments on the government bonds equals an incr [...] Read more

Journal Article
Interactive influence of house prices and the repo rate on household debt in South Africa
by Juniours Marire
The recent interest rate policy decisions of the South African Reserve Bank have been criticized significantly by left-leaning political parties and civic society organisations for being anti-poor, anti-labour, and pro-capital because of their implications for household debt. Existing literature has established that interest rates and house prices are insignificant determinants [...] Read more

Journal Article
Dilemma for fiscal policies: supporting economic activity, or ensuring public debt sustainability?
by Séverine Menguy
We study analytically the conflict of goals between stabilizing economic activity and public debt sustainability, for the fiscal authorities. In the short run, an active and expansionary fiscal policy, increasing public investment or reducing the labor taxation rate, is growth enhancing. However, as these short term fiscal policies also decrease government revenue and increase [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are Banks Too Many? A Theoretical Possibility and a Policy Issue
by Gerasimos T. Soldatos  and  Erotokritos Varelas
Motivated by the Blackorby-Schworm (1993) observation that market outcomes may differ from those originating in market-actor optimization, this paper claims that the number of banks in the market is larger than the number justified by bank profit maximization alone or in combination with bank depositor welfare maximization. This claim is made within the context of bilateral mon [...] Read more

Journal Article
Gross Domestic Products (GDP) is not a Proper Indicator of Measurement and Economic Power Comparison for Emerging Economies: A Judgement from International Distributions of Net Factor Income from Abroad
by Dong Qiu  and  Yafei Wang
Global distributions of net factor income from abroad (NFI) during 1990-2019 have witnessed that (1) the United States is the top one country accounting for 40% of surpluses of the global total, while a surge in China’s deficit with its GDP increase; (2) GDP growth in emerging economies has a price scissors with NFI deficits; (3) asymmetric NFI has covered up the severity [...] Read more

Getting high on the market: Stock price movements, drug abuse, and health implications
by Tomasz Piotr Wisniewski  and  Brendan John Lambe
Using an international dataset, this letter finds that high stock returns are associated with increased death rates from drug use disorders. Although the out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare also rises following a stock market surge, the net effect on life expectancy is significantly negative. [...] Read more

Journal Article
A pipeline between producer and consumer prices in Ghana: A Policy Issue
by Johnson Worlanyo Ahiadorme  and  Linda Akoto
As prices have grown at their fastest pace in recent times, inflation has become a key concern for the macro-policy environment. In many jurisdictions, consumer prices have typically formed the basis for price stability policies. Notwithstanding, producer prices remain an important channel and must be closely watched. We utilise data on Ghana and investigate the causal links be [...] Read more

Journal Article
Underlining issues of emerging economies: a case of East and Southeast Asian Countries
by Mohammad Rezaul Karim  and  Md. Mizanur Rahman
Overall development of a country largely depends on the economic policy instruments particularly fiscal and monetary policy to streamline the development and continue the developmental progress. These two policies have significant effects on long-term growth. It is noticed that policy adoption and reforms in both fiscal and monetary policies undertaken by Southeast Asian nation [...] Read more

Journal Article
CEO power, corporate governance, and firm leverage
by Shahbaz Sheikh
This study empirically examines the effect of corporate governance on the relation between CEO power and firm leverage. Results from OLS and industry fixed effects regressions show that CEO power is positively associated with firm leverage. However, this association is driven by the strength of corporate governance as powerful CEOs tend to choose higher levels of debt only when [...] Read more

Journal Article
Machine Learning Survival Models restrictions: the case of startups time to failed with collinearity-related issues
by Diego Vallarino
This research evaluates the efficacy of survival models in forecasting startup failures and investigates their economic implications. Several machine learning survival models, including Kernel SVM, DeepSurv, Survival Random Forest, and MTLR, are assessed using the concordance index (C-index) as a measure of prediction accuracy. The findings reveal that more sophisticated models [...] Read more

Journal Article
Spatial-temporal Evolution of Global Aircraft Production Network: Evidence from 1741 Global Aircraft Firms
by Ying She , Guoliang Liu , Ling Jia , Yangu Deng  and  Liyuan Zhang
Triggered by the rising demand, a complex aircraft production network has been evolving during the past half century. In order to analysis the spatial-temporal evolution of this network, this paper establishes a novel and complex data by collecting 1774 major global aircraft manufacturers' production relationship from Jane's All the World' s Aircraft Development & Productio [...] Read more

Journal Article
Budget deficit and money holding when consumers live forever in an endogenous growth model
by Yasuhito Tanaka
In this paper I will show that budget deficit (or fiscal deficit) is necessary to achieve full employment under constant prices or inflation, using a model of endogenous growth in which consumers hold money for the reason of liquidity and live forever. Budget deficit need not be offset by future budget surpluses. I consider the continuous time case by taking the limit of the di [...] Read more

Journal Article
Macro-level insurance for financing post-disaster recovery: The case of National Disaster Insurance Policy in Sri Lanka
by Gayan Wedawatta , Nadeeshani Wanigarathna , Anuruddha Vijekumara  and  Maheshi Tennakoon
This paper evaluates the use of macro-level insurance to finance post-disaster recovery and reinstatement by investigating the case of the National Disaster Insurance policy implemented by Sri Lanka. The national scheme provided cover for all properties in the country against hazards such as flooding and provided compensation for those affected. Analysis of secondary data obtai [...] Read more

Journal Article
Do Bank Capital Requirements Make Resource Allocation Suboptimal?
by Sangkyun Park
Bank capital requirements would entail large social costs if they made resource allocation suboptimal and banking services costly by unduly limiting the banks’ ability to lend. This paper considers three main factors that may make capital requirements relevant, namely, deposit insurance subsidies, stock valuation errors, and tax shields derived from debt financing. The th [...] Read more

Journal Article
How do financial regulations and economic freedoms affect bank profitability? Empirical Evidence from the OIC Region
by Ousman Mohammed Yimam
Banks operating within a free economic environment and with constructive regulatory frameworks can function with enhanced efficiency, augmenting their profitability. This study aimed to examine the influence of economic freedom and financial restrictions on banks' profitability within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation member nations. The study used a sample of 1453 banks, [...] Read more

Journal Article
The budget deficit in an endogenous growth model with bequest and money holdings
by Yasuhito Tanaka
By an endogenous growth model with a two-period overlapping generations structure, I examine the existence of a budget deficit in an economy that endogenously grows by investments of firms. The consumers leave bequests to their descendants and hold money as a part of their savings. I use a Barro-type utility function, where people include the utility of their children in their [...] Read more

Journal Article
Gender Disparities in Land Rights a Myth or a Reality? Case studies of the situations in Kenya and Tanzania
by Sule Ayannor Issaka
All things being equal, and in a truly democratic world, one will expect that the fact that women are the majority in almost every single community of the world should guarantee them at least equal control or ownership over resources and enjoy most of the rights and privileges in that particular community. But things seem not to be working that way as evidence from the literatu [...] Read more