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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 55 items)
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Journal Article
Inflation’s Reduction of the Real Minimum Wage and Unemployment in the USA: 1987 to 2021
by Jonathan E. Leightner  and  Eric Jenkins
Hundreds of articles have been written that include empirical estimates of the dis-employment effects of minimum wages; however, many of these articles find statistically insignificant effects, some find significant negative effects, and a few find significant positive effects. Most of these studies use multivariate analyses which can be criticized for omitting key variables. T [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Hull College of Business, Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, USA

Journal Article
A ‘White Lie’ of Business Informality: An Exploration of Non-Registered White-owned Businesses in the United States of America
by Michael J. Pisani
Utilizing a 2021 nationally representative sample of 7,504 White-owned employer businesses (WOBs) in the United States of America (USA), the extent, and the determinants of WOB business registration are estimated. Business registration is employed as a proxy for business in/formality. Approximately one-fifth (22.5%) of all employer WOBs are unregistered or informal business con [...] Read more

Journal Article
Rethinking Education in the Age of AI: The Importance of Developing Durable Skills in the Industry 4.0
by James Hutson  and  Jason Ceballos
This article discusses the pressing need to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into education to facilitate customizable, individualized, and on-demand learning pathways. At the same time, while AI has the potential to expand the learner base and improve learning outcomes, the development of NACE Competencies and durable skills – communication, critical thinking, crea [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Lindenwood University, USA
Independent Scholar, USA

Journal Article
Manufacturing Cost Estimation Using Piecewise Function Approaches
by Eren Sakinc  and  Alice E. Smith
This paper describes two novel approaches to cost estimation of manufactured products where a data set of similar products have known manufactured costs. The methods use the notion of piecewise functions and are (1) clustering and (2) splines. Cost drivers are typically a mixture of categorical and numeric data which complicates cost estimation. Both clustering and splines appr [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Bayer Pharmaceuticals, New Jersey, USA
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, USA

Journal Article
Bank Runs and Design Flaws of Deposit Insurance
by Sangkyun Park
Deposit insurance systems are designed to balance the benefits of preventing bank runs and protecting ordinary savers against the costs of reduced market discipline and potential burdens on taxpayers. Design flaws of deposit insurance make the benefits too low and the costs too high. This paper presents an example in which solvent banks can effectively manage runs, depositors d [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget, USA
Federal Reserve Banks (New York and Saint Louis), USA

Journal Article
Do Bank Capital Requirements Make Resource Allocation Suboptimal?
by Sangkyun Park
Bank capital requirements would entail large social costs if they made resource allocation suboptimal and banking services costly by unduly limiting the banks’ ability to lend. This paper considers three main factors that may make capital requirements relevant, namely, deposit insurance subsidies, stock valuation errors, and tax shields derived from debt financing. The th [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget, USA
Federal Reserve Banks (New York and Saint Louis), USA

Journal Article
Pseudocode and Algorithms for Computer Simulations of Democratically Planned Economies
by Mitchell Szczepanczyk
The claim that “there is no third way” besides the economic models of capitalism and communism has faced a challenge from a new and growing body of research into a “third way” economic paradigm known as democratic planning. In this paper, we explore one of these democratic planning models–Robin Hahnel and Michael Albert’s model of a participa [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
OpenMarkets, Inc., Chicago, USA

Journal Article
College Selectivity, Choice of Major, and Post-College Earnings
by William Brian Muse  and  Iryna Muse
College choice and choice of major are the most important decisions for future earnings. It is still unclear, however, what makes a greater difference—college or major—or whether a choice of college matters more for some majors, but not the others. Using cross-classified models and College Scorecard data, I show that a discipline is more consequential for future ear [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Mathematics department, Columbus State University, Columbus, USA
Assistant Vice Chancellor, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA

Journal Article
Does Rocky Mountain Credit Union Competition still Affect Commercial Bank Interest Rates?
by Thomas M. Fullerton , Robert J. Tokle , Bryce Jones  and  Steven L. Fullerton
Historically, increased credit union competition in Idaho and Montana has caused commercial banks to offer higher deposit rates to savers and lower loan rates to borrowers. Data are collected for the second quarter of 2018 to examine whether that pattern still holds true. Unlike prior studies, empirical results indicate that credit union competition no longer exerts statistical [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Economics & Finance, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, USA
Department of Economics, Idaho State University, Pocatello, USA
Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade, Denver, USA
Border Region Modeling Project, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, USA

Journal Article
Can Education Reduce or Mitigate Discrimination? An Investigation on Earnings of PhD Recipients in the US
by Wei-Chiao Huang , Qing Zang  and  Daxue Kan
Spence’s signaling model (Spence, 1973) suggests that education can signal workers’ unobserved ability to employers thereby mitigating discrimination. There have been several studies concerning education’s impact on labor market discrimination against minority or disadvantaged groups. Our approach in this inquiry is unique in that we utilize the data of PhD re [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Economics, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, USA

Journal Article
Modeling the Potential Impact of Government Regulation on Cryptocurrency Prices
by Kylie LoPiccolo  and  Francis Parisi
Cryptocurrencies have gained popularity over the past five to six years. Most recently, events like the FTX bankruptcy fueled the interest in regulation. Moreover, it is possible that the FTX event disrupting the cryptocurrency market was a factor in Silicon Valley Bank's failure. While several countries consider regulation, from soft regulation, like Japan, to more rigid stand [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Information Technology, Pace University, New York, USA
Department of Computer Science, Pace University, New York, USA

Journal Article
The Expanded Child Tax Credit and Educational Attainment in Rural, Majority-Minority Communities
by Ethan Bennett  and  Mengzhong Zhang
Despite the status of the United States as one of the world’s economic superpowers, the country is plagued by child poverty. The issue of child poverty is most prominent in rural, majority-minority communities, where years of limited opportunity, often created by systematic oppression, have created a vicious cycle of economic despair. There are a number of policies that h [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Loans Administrator, Erie County Redevelopment Authority, Erie, PA, USA
MPA program director, Gannon University, Erie, PA, USA

Journal Article
The high price of green energy: Adjustments in general equilibrium
by Henry Thompson
The high price of energy due to green energy policy will cause adjustments across the US economy predicted in the present general equilibrium model that includes energy Btu input with capital and labor to produce manufactures and services. This same model in trade theory examines the effects of a tariff on an imported factor of production such as a natural resource or capital.& [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Economics, Auburn University, Auburn, USA

Journal Article
Housing Prices and Land Use Regulations: A Study of 250 Major US Cities
by Theo S. Eicher
Income and population growth are key determinants of housing demand, while land use regulations are designed to affect housing supply. Previous studies of housing price determinants focus either on specific regulations in particular cities/regions, or on selective subsets of major cities and regulations. This study examines the impact of land use regulations on housing prices f [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Economics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

Journal Article
Optimal Commodity Storage: Privately and Publicly Financed Storage Compared
by Paul Hallwood
Consideration of optimal commodity storage with different discount rates. Finding that, even with a lower discount rate than private storage, optimal government-financed storage may not narrow price fluctuations compared with optimal privately financed storage because a government has to choose a probability of buffer stock failure greater than zero to economize on storage cost [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Economics, University of Connecticut, Mansfield, USA

CRISPR-Cas9 Unleashed: Gene-Slicing Adventures in the Cancer Battlefield
by Shivakumar Sonnaila  and  Shilpi Agrawal
Cancer, a global health menace, continues to pose significant challenges in terms of incidence and mortality, necessitating innovative therapeutic strategies. Despite existing treatments, the limitations persist, prompting a quest for novel approaches. The emergence of immunotherapy marked a transformative era in solid tumor treatments, yet its efficacy is constrained by advers [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Fulbright College of Art and Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA

Novel sulindac derivatives for colorectal cancer chemoprevention that target cGMP phosphodiesterases to suppress Wnt/β-catenin transcriptional activity
by Sindhu Ramesh , Peyton Johnson , Khalda Fadlalla , Austin Moore , Chung-Hui Huang , Kristy Berry , Yulia Y Maxuitenko , Xi Chen , Adam B Keeton , Gang Zhou  and  Gary Piazza
Approximately 28 million individuals in the United States face the risk of developing precancerous colonic adenomas (polyps) and potentially progressing to colorectal cancer (CRC). While a promising strategy for CRC prevention involves pharmacological intervention, such as cancer chemoprevention or interception, currently, there are no FDA-approved drugs capable of preventing t [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Drug Discovery and Development, Harrison College of Pharmacy, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
Georgia Cancer Center, Augusta University, Augusta, GA, USA

Journal Article
Informed Trading of Sell-Side Analysts: Evidence from Class Action Lawsuits
by Hyoseok David Hwang
This paper examines whether sell-side analyst-affiliated investors trade stocks before their analysts release material information. Using class action lawsuits, I explore the pre-lawsuit periods and investigate how potentially informed analysts trade their covered firms. The event study finds that analyst-affiliated investors reduce their stockholdings of firms prior to their o [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, USA

Journal Article
The Value of Less-Lethal Weapons
by Johnathan Mun , Seth McAnally , Jayden Mun  and  Emma Mun
Less-Lethal Weapons, including electric Tasers, velocity-reduction bullet-capture projectiles, rubber bullets, beanbag rounds, and other less-lethal projectiles used in police departments, federal and local law enforcement agencies, and military policing operations, as well as for private use, are topics of significant debate in recent years. These weapons can reduce collateral [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Information Sciences Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, USA

Reassessing specificity/selectivity of taxane-based chemotherapy
by Elizabeth R. Smith , Zheshen Li , Zhe-Sheng Chen  and  Xiang-Xi Xu
The paramount prerequisite for effective anti-cancer drugs is their ability to eradicate malignant cells while sparing non-cancer cells. The divergence in properties between malignant and non-cancer cells establishes a "therapeutic window," a critical consideration for achieving desirable treatment outcomes. Central to this is the imperative of a cancer drug's "selectivity and [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL 33136, USA
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL 33136, USA
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, St. John’s University, Queens, NY, 11439, USA
Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL 33136, USA