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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 24 items)
Searched for: [ Keywords: "Market Concentration" ] clear all
Journal Article
Effects of Horizontal Mergers on Prices of Generic Drugs
by Antonio J. Trujillo , Mariana Socal  and  Gerard Anderson
This paper quantifies the impact of horizontal mergers on the prices of drugs. We study all mergers between two publicly traded pharmaceutical companies working in the US between 2010 and 2015 and their effect on their drugs prices. Using a differences-in-differences approach, we estimate that drugs marketed by the merging firms experience an AWP increase of about between 8% an [...] Read more

Journal Article
Short-Term Shocks Between Central European Stock Markets: An Approach During The 2020 and 2022 Events
by Rui Manuel Teixeira Dias , Mariana Chambino  and  Nicole Rebolo Horta
Stock indexes are used as a barometer of economic health, and fluctuations in these markets can have a substantial influence on the economy. For example, the Covid-19 pandemic caused severe economic disruption, as reflected in stock market indexes. Similarly, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has geopolitical implications that might undermine global trade and economic stability, imp [...] Read more

Journal Article
Portfolio rebalancing in times of stress: Capital markets vs. Commodities
by Rui Manuel Teixeira Dias , Nicole Rebolo Horta  and  Mariana Chambino
In light of the events of 2020 and 2022, this study aims to examine the co-movements between the capital markets of the Netherlands (AEX), France (CAC 40), Germany (DAX 30), the United Kingdom (FTSE 100), Italy (FTSE MIB), Spain (IBEX 35), Russia (IMOEX), and spot prices of crude oil (WTI), silver (XAG), gold (XAU), and platinum (XPT) from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. [...] Read more

Journal Article
Competition in French hospital: Does it impact the patient management in healthcare?
by Carine Milcent
This research paper examines changes in patient care management in acute care hospitals between 2001 and 2011. During this time, there were two opposing factors at play: the competition effect of the reform and the policymaker’s decision to reduce public hospitals across France. By studying the trends, it is evident that there has been a significant overall shift in patie [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Effect of Public Contract Winning Announcements on Share Prices: An Event-Based Study on the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Eyden Samunderu  and  Anita Yordanova
The purpose of this paper is to examine and elucidate the effect of the announcement of winning a US federal contract by pharmaceutical companies, traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange on the share prices. The analysis is based on a sample of 327 event days from 12 pharmaceutical companies listed on the NASDAQ market for a given period (2010 – 2021). The sample is analysed [...] Read more

Journal Article
Central bank policy formulation under COVID-19 in Ghana: A fit-for-purpose?
by Johnson Worlanyo Ahiadorme  and  Deodat E. Adenutsi
This paper evaluates the fit-for-purpose of the monetary policy measures implemented by the Bank of Ghana in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We examine the effectiveness of the BoG’s policy interventions in the context of vector autoregressions augmented with macroeconomic and financial indicators. We demonstrate that the BoG’s monetary policy measures have had n [...] Read more

Journal Article
Inflation: Thruway of ECB’s Monetary Policy
by Christian Seidl
Part of the present inflation is caused by the breakdown of globalization, in particular supply chains, part is caused by the Corona Pandemic, in particular lockdowns, part is caused by the Ukrainian War, part is caused by European sanctions, and part – and not the smallest one – is caused by the European Central Bank’s printing money by hook or by crook in th [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Role of News Sentiments in the Connectedness of GCC Equity Markets
by Moosa Yousuf
This study examines the role of news sentiments in the GCC equity markets’ connectedness. We collected news titles for the period from 22nd June 2006 until 31st December 2020 from Gulf News, which is the most widely read English newspaper in the Arab World. We filter these news titles using a carefully designed list of keywords that capture public sentiment on matters rel [...] Read more

Journal Article
Systematic Sentiment Risk & Market Liquidity: Systematic Liquidity Pricing in Light of the Microblogging Content
by Jawad Saleemi
Investors are keenly interested in the risk of informed trading, as it can have an immediate impact on transaction costs imposed by liquidity providers. This paper examines microblogging-based informed trading as a systematic risk for liquidity at both market and firm levels. Assets at firm level were categorized into financial and non-financial perspective. In this context, th [...] Read more

Journal Article
Did the UEFA Champions League winners start in an easy group?
by Antonio Avila-Cano  and  Francisco Triguero-Ruiz
Competitive balance indicates the degree of control participating teams have over a sports competition. Supporters look for excuses to justify their team’s defeat and the triumph of their rivals. If the competition has required a preliminary qualifying group stage, they will argue that the winning team was in an "easy group" from the start, and their team was unlucky to b [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are Industry Returns Informative about Other Industries and Fundamentals?
by Nikiforos T. Laopodis
This paper examines the information content of selected US industries focusing on the dynamic linkages among these industries, the stock market and a number of fundamental variables. The period of investigation spans from January 1960 to December 2021. The empirical strategy includes several methodologies such as regressions, vector autoregressions and volatility models. The id [...] Read more

Journal Article
State intervention in land pricing and endogenous risk aversion
by Yong He
This study explores the cause and effect of endogenous risk aversion in land pricing, where state intervention through taxation remains a general practice. Using a consumption-based asset pricing model incorporating taxation, it is shown that high taxation, due to the indexation effect, supporting land prices and reducing individuals' risk expectations, could lead to an endogen [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are Banks Too Many? A Theoretical Possibility and a Policy Issue
by Gerasimos T. Soldatos  and  Erotokritos Varelas
Motivated by the Blackorby-Schworm (1993) observation that market outcomes may differ from those originating in market-actor optimization, this paper claims that the number of banks in the market is larger than the number justified by bank profit maximization alone or in combination with bank depositor welfare maximization. This claim is made within the context of bilateral mon [...] Read more

Journal Article
Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Asia and the Pacific –It’s Matter for Economic Performance with the 4th Industrial Revolution
by G.L.D. Wickramasinghe  and  Vathsala Wickramasinghe
The very nature of work, labor market composition, and skill requirements are severely affected by technology-driven transformations currently underway with the 4th industrial revolution (4IR). The effect of 4IR technologies on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and the contribution of TVET to the labor market is explicit. The paper presents the findings of [...] Read more

Journal Article
Ways to improve cross-regional resource allocation: Does the development of digitalization matter?
by Haitao Wu , Yu Hao , Chuanzhen Geng , Weiheng Sun , Youcheng Zhou  and  Feiling Lu
The long-term extensive economic development has caused China's resource and environmental problems, especially the resource misallocation. The way China prioritises its limited resources is being significantly impacted by the rise of the digital economy and the interconnectedness of new technologies and the real economy. This paper quantitatively examines the linear and nonlin [...] Read more

Journal Article
Quantifying the connectedness and portfolio implications between Islamic and conventional bonds: Evidence from global and GCC regions
by Md. Ruhul Amin , Md. Abdul Hakim , Md. Mamunur Rashid  and  Shaikh Masrick Hasan
We explore the connectedness and portfolio implications between Islamic and conventional bonds in global and GCC regions. We also compare which bonds performed better during our sample period. Unlike previous studies, we focus on Islamic bond markets compared to their conventional counterparts and highlight the GCC bonds (Islamic and conventional) in respect of global bonds. We [...] Read more

Journal Article
Determinants of FinTech and BigTech lending: the role of financial inclusion and financial development
by Peterson K. Ozili
Credit markets around the world are undergoing digital transformation which has led to the rise in FinTech and BigTech lending. FinTech and BigTech lending is the provision of credit by FinTech and BigTech providers who have more capital, cutting-edge IT systems, worldwide recognition, greater online presence and are able to handle more big data on computers and mobile phones t [...] Read more

Journal Article
Financial literacy of Portuguese undergraduate students in polytechnics: does the area of the course influence financial literacy?
by Paula Sarabando , Roge rio Matias , Pedro Vasconcelos  and  Tiago Miguel
Financial literacy seems to be more important and focused than ever. Several recent studies have found that Portugal is at bottom of the table compared to the Eurozone countries regarding financial literacy. As it’s a key factor in the development of a country, it appears to be crucial to understand what people know about financial matters when they complete compulsory sc [...] Read more

Journal Article
Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force for Economic Growth in the Twenty-First Century in the European Union
by Rafael Acevedo  and  Maria Lorca-Susino
Economic growth rests on entrepreneurship and capitalism. Entrepreneurship is important because entrepreneurs work unceasingly to create, use, and disseminate new products and productive techniques to raise living standards. Capitalism is characterized by private property rights, a free market, and the pursuit of profit, which are driving forces for innovation and productivity [...] Read more

Journal Article
Forecasting Parameters in the SABR Model
by Li Chen , Jianing Zhu  and  Cunyi Yang
We present two approaches to forecasting parameters in the SABR model. The first approach is the vector autoregressive moving-average model (VARMA) for the time series of the in-sample calibrated parameters, and the second is based on machine learning techniques called epsilon-support vector regression (ε-SVR). Using daily data of S&P 500 ETF option prices from Janu [...] Read more