The dynamic patterns of technology adoption among firms clustered by size are investigated to assess the implications arising from the digital divide. Using data from the “Survey on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Enterprises (IUTICE)" dataset for 2003-2022, provided by the Portuguese Institute of Statistics, the research centers on three key variables – internet connectivity, website presence, and computer usage – which are examined across a spectrum of firms’ scales, shedding light on the evolving trends in technology adoption. Employing a combination of descriptive statistical analysis, trend assessment, and cross-sectional comparisons, this research shows noteworthy insights. Interestingly, the adoption rates for all three technology variables exhibit a consistent upward trajectory, indicative of a movement towards digitalization within the business landscape. Smaller firms have demonstrated notable strides, manifesting a reduction in the technology adoption disparity relative to their larger counterparts. The findings underscore the influential roles played by resource constraints and digital competencies in shaping technology adoption trajectories, and their correspondence with the Resource-Based View (RBV) framework underscores the role of organizational resources and capabilities on the digital divide. The ramifications extend beyond individual firms, resonating with the global scholarly discourse and advocating for equitable integration of technology. As firms, irrespective of size, grapple with the challenges posed by the digital era, this study provides deep insights that can guide the formulation of strategies aimed at cultivating an inclusive and technologically empowered business environment.
Santos, E. (2023). Tech-driven transformation: Investigating digitalization dynamics across varying firm sizes. Journal of Information Economics, 1(3), 12. doi:10.58567/jie01030001
ACS Style
Santos, E. Tech-driven transformation: Investigating digitalization dynamics across varying firm sizes. Journal of Information Economics, 2023, 1, 12. doi:10.58567/jie01030001
AMA Style
Santos E. Tech-driven transformation: Investigating digitalization dynamics across varying firm sizes. Journal of Information Economics; 2023, 1(3):12. doi:10.58567/jie01030001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Santos, Eleonora 2023. "Tech-driven transformation: Investigating digitalization dynamics across varying firm sizes" Journal of Information Economics 1, no.3:12. doi:10.58567/jie01030001
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ACS Style
Santos, E. Tech-driven transformation: Investigating digitalization dynamics across varying firm sizes. Journal of Information Economics, 2023, 1, 12. doi:10.58567/jie01030001
AMA Style
Santos E. Tech-driven transformation: Investigating digitalization dynamics across varying firm sizes. Journal of Information Economics; 2023, 1(3):12. doi:10.58567/jie01030001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Santos, Eleonora 2023. "Tech-driven transformation: Investigating digitalization dynamics across varying firm sizes" Journal of Information Economics 1, no.3:12. doi:10.58567/jie01030001
APA style
Santos, E. (2023). Tech-driven transformation: Investigating digitalization dynamics across varying firm sizes. Journal of Information Economics, 1(3), 12. doi:10.58567/jie01030001
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