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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 19 items)
Searched for: [ Keywords: "trust company performance" ] clear all
Journal Article
Does Trust Beneficiary Protection Affect the Performance of Trust Companies? An Analysis Based on the Theory of Law and Finance
by Jinxian Li
Trust beneficiary protection constitutes an important legal system in the trust industry. This paper, based upon the study approach of the “Theory of Law and Finance”, establishes the trust beneficiary protection index of China. We also test the influence of trust beneficiary protection on the performance of trust companies. As indicated by our study’s results [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are CEOs Paid for Performance? A Study of CEO’s Compensation in the Public Sector Corporations
by Krishna Reddy
This study provides insight into CEO compensation dynamics in the public sector and private sector publicly listed firms in New Zealand. This research uses descriptive statistics, OLS regression, and the difference-in-difference method to analyze the compensation-performance relationship for the period 2005 to 2012. Our findings show that CEOs in the private sector publicly lis [...] Read more

Journal Article
Evaluating Classical and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Credit Risk Analysis
by Bruno Reis  and  António Quintino
Credit scoring remains one of the most important subjects in financial risk management. Although the methods in this field have grown in sophistication, further improvements are necessary. These advances could translate in major gains for financial institutions and other companies that extend credit by diminishing the potential for losses in this process. This research seeks to [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Effect of Public Contract Winning Announcements on Share Prices: An Event-Based Study on the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Eyden Samunderu  and  Anita Yordanova
The purpose of this paper is to examine and elucidate the effect of the announcement of winning a US federal contract by pharmaceutical companies, traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange on the share prices. The analysis is based on a sample of 327 event days from 12 pharmaceutical companies listed on the NASDAQ market for a given period (2010 – 2021). The sample is analysed [...] Read more

Journal Article
Performance Comparison of Poverty Alleviation through Education, Employment and Industry during the Period of Targeted Poverty Alleviation
by Fateh Saci
Based on the income poverty level differences and multi-dimensional poverty perspective in China, this paper compares the performance of education poverty alleviation, employment poverty alleviation, and industry poverty alleviation. The hypothesis was tested by quantile regression and ordered probit model. The results show that: in the short term, the effect of poverty allevia [...] Read more

Journal Article
Five Common Finance and Accounting Problems of Start-Up Companies
by Derrald Stice , Earl K. Stice  and  James D. Stice
You have a product or service for which the world has been waiting. You've scraped together enough cash to get your idea off the ground. You are confident that your business will succeed. And yet, it is often the case that a short time later you are out of business. Numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that about half of new businesses fail within the first [...] Read more

Journal Article
A Study of Hierarchical Risk Parity in Portfolio Construction
by Debjani Palit  and  Victor R. Prybutok
The construction and optimization of a portfolio is a complex process that has been a historically active research area in finance. For portfolios with highly correlated assets, the performance of traditional risk-based asset allocations methods such as the mean-variance (MV) model is limited when numerous assets are correlated. A novel clustering-based asset allocation method, [...] Read more

Journal Article
Similarities and differences between digitalization indexes
by Olena Korzhyk , Jorge Vareda Gomes  and  Gonçalo João
Digitalization is nowadays one of the fastest developing processes. The adoption of digital technologies can provide innumerous opportunities for the organizations to evolve and gain competitive advantage by leveraging of technologies to respond to dynamic expectations and demands. Information about the country digitalization level is essential to decision makers in both public [...] Read more

Journal Article
Impact of Social Capital on Land Arrangement Behavior of Migrant Workers in China
by Minglei Zhu , Xiaowei Song  and  Wenxin Chen
In China, the land arrangement behavior of over 160 million rural-urban migrant workers is closely related to the optimal allocation of rural land resources and sustainable development of urban and rural areas. Although previous studies show that social capital affects migrant workers’ land arrangement behavior, few empirical studies reveal the relationship between them, [...] Read more

Journal Article
Shifting Demographics and Economic Performance: Unraveling the Influence of Population Aging on GDP Dynamics and Regional Inequalities
by Eleonora Santos
Understanding the economic trends and demographic dynamics of a country is crucial for policymakers and researchers to formulate effective strategies and policies. This study aims to examine the GDP trends and aging index dynamics in Portugal from 2011 to 2021, with a focus on regional disparities and their implications for demographic challenges. The findings highlight the rel [...] Read more

Journal Article
Green Credit Policy, Institution Supply and Enterprise Green Innovation
by Chunji Zheng , Feng Deng , Chengfeng Zhuo  and  Weiheng Sun
Green credit policy (GCP) relies on financial means to promote environmental governance. Whether it can achieve the goals of economic development and environmental protection, especially in the context of different institutional supplies, remains to be scientifically tested. Based on the implementation of China’s Green Credit Guidelines in 2012, this study uses panel data [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Value of Less-Lethal Weapons
by Johnathan Mun , Seth McAnally , Jayden Mun  and  Emma Mun
Less-Lethal Weapons, including electric Tasers, velocity-reduction bullet-capture projectiles, rubber bullets, beanbag rounds, and other less-lethal projectiles used in police departments, federal and local law enforcement agencies, and military policing operations, as well as for private use, are topics of significant debate in recent years. These weapons can reduce collateral [...] Read more

Journal Article
Informed Trading of Sell-Side Analysts: Evidence from Class Action Lawsuits
by Hyoseok David Hwang
This paper examines whether sell-side analyst-affiliated investors trade stocks before their analysts release material information. Using class action lawsuits, I explore the pre-lawsuit periods and investigate how potentially informed analysts trade their covered firms. The event study finds that analyst-affiliated investors reduce their stockholdings of firms prior to their o [...] Read more

Journal Article
Corporate social responsibility and the likelihood of external financing
by Shahbaz Sheikh
This paper empirically investigates the relation between firm performance in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the need and likelihood of external financing to test the predictions of agency and stakeholder theories. Empirical results from Logit, Linear Probability Model, OLS and Firm fixed effects regressions indicate that CSR is negatively related to the likelihood an [...] Read more

Journal Article
Innovation with ecological sustainability: Does corporate environmental responsibility matter in green innovation?
by Xiaoli Hao , Wenqian Fu  and  Khaldoon Albitar
Green innovation, driven by China's new development concept, plays a crucial role in high-quality economic development. In line with the green development trend, businesses increasingly prioritize whether their corporate environmental responsibilities (CER) can effectively enhance corporate green innovation (CGI) levels. This paper examines the influence and mechanism of CER on [...] Read more

Journal Article
The role of business environment optimization on entrepreneurship enhancement
by Nannan Wang , Dengfeng Cui , Chuanzhen Geng  and  Zefan Xia
Entrepreneurs are important actors in economic activities and creators of social wealth. Excellent entrepreneurs contribute their wisdom to the accumulation of social wealth and the promotion of high-quality economic and social development. The business environment is the main manifestation of the soft power of cities and regional economic development, and a better business env [...] Read more

Journal Article
A Comparative Machine Learning Survival Models Analysis for Predicting Time to Bank Failure in the US (2001-2023)
by Diego Vallarino
This study investigates the likelihood of time to bank failures in the US between 2001 and April 2023, based on data collected from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's report on "Bank Failures in Brief - Summary 2001 through 2023". The dataset includes 564 instances of bank failures and several variables that may be related to the likelihood of such events, such as asse [...] Read more

Journal Article
Monetised sustainability impacts of integrated planning in the manufactured construction products industry: A transport perspective from New Zealand
by Kamal Dhawan , John E. Tookey , Ali GhaffarianHoseini  and  Mani Poshdar
The extensive, interdisciplinary nature of construction supply chains make them prone to inefficiencies at organisational interfaces. Inefficiencies are accentuated by the project-centric delivery paradigm, and complex logistics systems between multiple stakeholders. They manifest as a multitude of concurrent activities, processes, and systems both on and off-site. Transportati [...] Read more

Journal Article
Assessment of exchange rate determination in a mono-resource economy: A case of Nigeria
by Nakorji Musa , Oji-okoro Izuchukwu  and  Seyi Saint Akadiri
This study examined the determinants of the exchange rate in a mono-resource economy, during the period of currency and oil price fall in Nigeria. The aim of the study is to ascertain the potentiality of economic diversification (non-oil export) in saving the falling value of the domestic currency, as well as, its stability. The study employed the use of monthly data from the C [...] Read more