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Articles ( Showing 21-40 of 51 items)
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Journal Article
The Effect of Public Contract Winning Announcements on Share Prices: An Event-Based Study on the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Eyden Samunderu  and  Anita Yordanova
The purpose of this paper is to examine and elucidate the effect of the announcement of winning a US federal contract by pharmaceutical companies, traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange on the share prices. The analysis is based on a sample of 327 event days from 12 pharmaceutical companies listed on the NASDAQ market for a given period (2010 – 2021). The sample is analysed [...] Read more

Journal Article
Exports of Renewable Energy Goods among RCEP members: Potential and Constraints
by Yichang Liu  and  Kaliappa Kalirajan
Objective: The paper, specifically examines whether the recently formed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) can potentially facilitate minimising the constraints to renewable energy goods exports at the regional level in Asia. Data, Methodology and Findings: Using the panel data from 11 RCEP members from 2006 to 2014, this study has applied the ‘meta fronti [...] Read more

Journal Article
Evaluation of Urban High-quality Development Level based on Entropy Weight-TOPSIS Two-step Method
by Yushan Qiu , Shuaishuai Jia , Jianping Liao  and  Xiaohan Yang
Based on fully considering the actual differences in statistical indicators between Hong Kong, Macao, and the nine cities in the Pearl River Delta, this paper constructs a high-quality urban development evaluation system that is suitable for the actual development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The Entropy Weighted TOPSIS two-step method is used to process d [...] Read more

Journal Article
The business cycle’s influence on share repurchases of the UK
by Adhiraj Sodhi , Cesario Mateus , Irina Mateus  and  Aleksandar Stojanovic
The UK fully legalised open market share repurchases in 1981, and to our knowledge no study has investigated the business cycle’s influence on repurchase decision-making. We address this aspect and investigate the period 1985-2014. This is relevant as the business cycle factors impact the firm-specific variables such as cash flow, profitability, dividends and capital stru [...] Read more

Journal Article
Inflation’s Reduction of the Real Minimum Wage and Unemployment in the USA: 1987 to 2021
by Jonathan E. Leightner  and  Eric Jenkins
Hundreds of articles have been written that include empirical estimates of the dis-employment effects of minimum wages; however, many of these articles find statistically insignificant effects, some find significant negative effects, and a few find significant positive effects. Most of these studies use multivariate analyses which can be criticized for omitting key variables. T [...] Read more

Journal Article
Agglomeration Economies and Rural-to-Urban Migration in India
by Arup Mitra  and  Rajesh Raushan
Keeping in view the concept of agglomeration economies and the New Economic Geography (NEG) angle, this paper makes an attempt to examine the rural to urban population movement at the district level in India. The findings do not favour a strong positive association between levels of urbanization and migration rates.  However, there exists a cluster of districts which are a [...] Read more

Journal Article
Determinants of FinTech and BigTech lending: the role of financial inclusion and financial development
by Peterson K. Ozili
Credit markets around the world are undergoing digital transformation which has led to the rise in FinTech and BigTech lending. FinTech and BigTech lending is the provision of credit by FinTech and BigTech providers who have more capital, cutting-edge IT systems, worldwide recognition, greater online presence and are able to handle more big data on computers and mobile phones t [...] Read more

Journal Article
Model-Based Poststratification of Measurements that Imperfectly Cover the Universe Studied: The Case of Postal Delivery Times
by Alain Bultez  and  Bert Seghers
The goal of this paper is to work out a poststratification method for estimating in-time indicators for international end-to-end delivery processes when collected data cannot cover all the strata making up the logistics universe to be surveyed, the true weights of the strata - needed to correct biases in representativeness caused by disproportionate sampling and incomplete [...] Read more

Journal Article
Incomplete Solvency Information as a Trigger for Systemwide Bank Runs
by Sangkyun Park
This paper presents a model of bank runs and evaluates relevant policy tools. The model is founded on the historical pattern of banking panics, involving an economic boom, an adverse shock, prominent bank failures, and runs on both insolvent and solvent banks. The model analyzes various ways in which solvency information affects the likelihood of systemwide bank runs. An intere [...] Read more

Journal Article
The high price of green energy: Adjustments in general equilibrium
by Henry Thompson
The high price of energy due to green energy policy will cause adjustments across the US economy predicted in the present general equilibrium model that includes energy Btu input with capital and labor to produce manufactures and services. This same model in trade theory examines the effects of a tariff on an imported factor of production such as a natural resource or capital.& [...] Read more

Journal Article
Analysing younger online viewers’ motivation to watch video game live streaming through a positive perspective
by Lifu Li , Kyeong Kang  and  Osama Sohaib
The paper focuses on younger online viewers’ motivation to watch video game live streaming on live streaming platforms. Unlike existing scholars, it analyses younger online viewers’ watching motivation through a positive perspective and draws on the Play-Others-Downtime theory (P-O-D theory) and the motivation theory to establish the research model. By analysing 397 [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are Banks Too Many? A Theoretical Possibility and a Policy Issue
by Gerasimos T. Soldatos  and  Erotokritos Varelas
Motivated by the Blackorby-Schworm (1993) observation that market outcomes may differ from those originating in market-actor optimization, this paper claims that the number of banks in the market is larger than the number justified by bank profit maximization alone or in combination with bank depositor welfare maximization. This claim is made within the context of bilateral mon [...] Read more

Journal Article
Probability of Achieving NDC and Implications for Climate Policy: CO-STIRPAT Approach
by Ick Jin
This paper presents an analytical framework to assess the probability of achieving nationally determined contributions (NDC). The prediction model based on the Kaya identity is used to simulate the pathway of carbon emission until the target year. Applying the modified STIRPAT framework (named CO-STIRPAT) to data observed in South Korea shows that the probability that the predi [...] Read more

Journal Article
Corporate social responsibility and the likelihood of external financing
by Shahbaz Sheikh
This paper empirically investigates the relation between firm performance in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the need and likelihood of external financing to test the predictions of agency and stakeholder theories. Empirical results from Logit, Linear Probability Model, OLS and Firm fixed effects regressions indicate that CSR is negatively related to the likelihood an [...] Read more

Journal Article
State intervention in land pricing and endogenous risk aversion
by Yong He
This study explores the cause and effect of endogenous risk aversion in land pricing, where state intervention through taxation remains a general practice. Using a consumption-based asset pricing model incorporating taxation, it is shown that high taxation, due to the indexation effect, supporting land prices and reducing individuals' risk expectations, could lead to an endogen [...] Read more

Journal Article
Impact of Institutional Quality and Research and Development (R&D) on Agricultural Productivity in Low-and Middle-Income Countries
by Agossou Justin Tovilode  and  Wanki Moon
This study investigates the impact of institutions and public agricultural Research and Development (R&D) on agricultural productivity in low- and middle-income countries. The paper employs panel data with fixed-effects models, spanning 12 years and including 49 low-and middle-income countries. Agricultural productivity is measured by cereal yield, while institutional facto [...] Read more

Journal Article
A Study of Hierarchical Risk Parity in Portfolio Construction
by Debjani Palit  and  Victor R. Prybutok
The construction and optimization of a portfolio is a complex process that has been a historically active research area in finance. For portfolios with highly correlated assets, the performance of traditional risk-based asset allocations methods such as the mean-variance (MV) model is limited when numerous assets are correlated. A novel clustering-based asset allocation method, [...] Read more

Journal Article
Dynamics of deposit dollarization in Turkey
by A. Yasemin Yalta  and  A. Talha Yalta
Deposit dollarization in Turkey has been on the rise, reaching record levels in 2022. This was caused by the worsening macroeconomic fundamentals along with the transition to the presidential system in 2018 and the associated deviation from the monetary policy stance afterward. The unique case of Turkey presents an excellent natural experiment to explore the dynamics of deposit [...] Read more

Journal Article
Do Bank Capital Requirements Make Resource Allocation Suboptimal?
by Sangkyun Park
Bank capital requirements would entail large social costs if they made resource allocation suboptimal and banking services costly by unduly limiting the banks’ ability to lend. This paper considers three main factors that may make capital requirements relevant, namely, deposit insurance subsidies, stock valuation errors, and tax shields derived from debt financing. The th [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are Industry Returns Informative about Other Industries and Fundamentals?
by Nikiforos T. Laopodis
This paper examines the information content of selected US industries focusing on the dynamic linkages among these industries, the stock market and a number of fundamental variables. The period of investigation spans from January 1960 to December 2021. The empirical strategy includes several methodologies such as regressions, vector autoregressions and volatility models. The id [...] Read more