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Articles ( Showing 21-40 of 91 items)
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Journal Article
Dynamics of deposit dollarization in Turkey
by A. Yasemin Yalta  and  A. Talha Yalta
Deposit dollarization in Turkey has been on the rise, reaching record levels in 2022. This was caused by the worsening macroeconomic fundamentals along with the transition to the presidential system in 2018 and the associated deviation from the monetary policy stance afterward. The unique case of Turkey presents an excellent natural experiment to explore the dynamics of deposit [...] Read more

Journal Article
A Virtual Economics Laboratory: What Generated High Inflation? 14 Different Explanations to One Inflation Period
by Yair Barak
A high inflation period of seven years (1978-1985) in Israel, which turned into a hyperinflation, puzzled Israeli economists, who tried to understand its causes and mechanisms. As a result, they provided fourteen different explanations. Although all of the explanations were based on the same data, the researchers’ conclusions were either different or contradictory. This s [...] Read more

Journal Article
Does Internet Development Put Pressure on Energy-Saving Potential for Environmental Sustainability? Evidence from China
by Siyu Ren , Zhiyuan Liu , Rinat Z hanbayev  and  Mingyue Du
With the development of information technology and its application in environmental governance, the role of the internet in improving energy efficiency and reducing energy-saving potential (ESP) has attracted more attention. In this study, the slack-based model (SBM) and the unexpected model, along with the entropy method, were applied to measure China's energy-saving potential [...] Read more

Journal Article
What drives strategic Corporate Social Responsibility?
by Rania Béji  and  Ouidad Yousfi
This study examines the role of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (CSRC) in the adoption of strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects that surpass regulatory requirements and basic stakeholder expectations. Our results demonstrate that the establishment of CSRCs enhances all strategic CSR mechanisms, particularly business reputation, stakeholder inter [...] Read more

Journal Article
Inflation’s Reduction of the Real Minimum Wage and Unemployment in the USA: 1987 to 2021
by Jonathan E. Leightner  and  Eric Jenkins
Hundreds of articles have been written that include empirical estimates of the dis-employment effects of minimum wages; however, many of these articles find statistically insignificant effects, some find significant negative effects, and a few find significant positive effects. Most of these studies use multivariate analyses which can be criticized for omitting key variables. T [...] Read more

Journal Article
Ways to improve cross-regional resource allocation: Does the development of digitalization matter?
by Haitao Wu , Yu Hao , Chuanzhen Geng , Weiheng Sun , Youcheng Zhou  and  Feiling Lu
The long-term extensive economic development has caused China's resource and environmental problems, especially the resource misallocation. The way China prioritises its limited resources is being significantly impacted by the rise of the digital economy and the interconnectedness of new technologies and the real economy. This paper quantitatively examines the linear and nonlin [...] Read more

Journal Article
Analyzing Bilateral Trade Dynamics between Azerbaijan and Pakistan: A Robust Least Squares Regression Approach
by Ibrahim Niftiyev
The diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Pakistan have undergone significant development since the late 1990s. Despite some studies focusing on diplomatic and political relations, the economic dimension of this partnership has not been systematically covered. In this paper, a robust least squares (RLS) approach is used to model bilateral trade between the two countries a [...] Read more

Journal Article
Keynesian Without the Policy: Why the Business Cycle is all about Business Confidence and Finance
by Karl Johan Bergstrӧ m
Many of Keynes´s ideas and concepts are proven correct in this paper. The demand side, mainly business investments, drives the economy. Business firms steer the business cycle via profit expectations and animal spirits. Injections to and withdrawals from the circular flow of income are multiplied throughout the economy in accordance with Keynes´s multiplier. A sudde [...] Read more

Journal Article
Advanced Air Mobility, Economic Impacts, and Equity Considerations
by Robert M. McNab
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) may, in the coming decades, result in tens of thousands of new jobs and billions of dollars in additional economic activity. While much of the discussion surrounding AAM focuses on the technical aspects of the nascent industry, estimates of the potential economic impact vary significantly. Much less attention has been paid in the literature to potent [...] Read more

Journal Article
Five Common Finance and Accounting Problems of Start-Up Companies
by Derrald Stice , Earl K. Stice  and  James D. Stice
You have a product or service for which the world has been waiting. You've scraped together enough cash to get your idea off the ground. You are confident that your business will succeed. And yet, it is often the case that a short time later you are out of business. Numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that about half of new businesses fail within the first [...] Read more

Journal Article
Evaluation of Urban High-quality Development Level based on Entropy Weight-TOPSIS Two-step Method
by Yushan Qiu , Shuaishuai Jia , Jianping Liao  and  Xiaohan Yang
Based on fully considering the actual differences in statistical indicators between Hong Kong, Macao, and the nine cities in the Pearl River Delta, this paper constructs a high-quality urban development evaluation system that is suitable for the actual development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The Entropy Weighted TOPSIS two-step method is used to process d [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Rural-Urban Divide: Family Social Capital, Family Cultural Capital, and Educational Outcomes of Chinese Adolescents
by Claire Gek Ling Tan  and  Zheng Fang
A large body of research has been dedicated to the study of relationships between social or cultural capital and educational outcomes in Western countries. However, few studies have examined these associations in a Chinese context, and even fewer have examined the effects of both forms of capital on educational outcomes simultaneously within a familial context in China. This st [...] Read more

Journal Article
Similarities and differences between digitalization indexes
by Olena Korzhyk , Jorge Vareda Gomes  and  Gonçalo João
Digitalization is nowadays one of the fastest developing processes. The adoption of digital technologies can provide innumerous opportunities for the organizations to evolve and gain competitive advantage by leveraging of technologies to respond to dynamic expectations and demands. Information about the country digitalization level is essential to decision makers in both public [...] Read more

Journal Article
Quantifying the connectedness and portfolio implications between Islamic and conventional bonds: Evidence from global and GCC regions
by Md. Ruhul Amin , Md. Abdul Hakim , Md. Mamunur Rashid  and  Shaikh Masrick Hasan
We explore the connectedness and portfolio implications between Islamic and conventional bonds in global and GCC regions. We also compare which bonds performed better during our sample period. Unlike previous studies, we focus on Islamic bond markets compared to their conventional counterparts and highlight the GCC bonds (Islamic and conventional) in respect of global bonds. We [...] Read more

Does Social Security Crowd out Private Wealth? A Survey of the Literature
by Marcin Wron ski
In this paper, we review the research on the substitution between social security wealth and private wealth. Our review includes over 100 theoretical and empirical contributions. Nearly 70% of the literature identifies the statistically significant impact of social security wealth on different forms of private savings. A strong majority of authors, who obtain statistically sign [...] Read more

Journal Article
Inflation: Thruway of ECB’s Monetary Policy
by Christian Seidl
Part of the present inflation is caused by the breakdown of globalization, in particular supply chains, part is caused by the Corona Pandemic, in particular lockdowns, part is caused by the Ukrainian War, part is caused by European sanctions, and part – and not the smallest one – is caused by the European Central Bank’s printing money by hook or by crook in th [...] Read more

Journal Article
Informed Trading of Sell-Side Analysts: Evidence from Class Action Lawsuits
by Hyoseok David Hwang
This paper examines whether sell-side analyst-affiliated investors trade stocks before their analysts release material information. Using class action lawsuits, I explore the pre-lawsuit periods and investigate how potentially informed analysts trade their covered firms. The event study finds that analyst-affiliated investors reduce their stockholdings of firms prior to their o [...] Read more

Journal Article
Business Cycles Synchronization: Literature Review
by Chrysostomos Stoforos , Stavros Degiannakis , Panagiotis Delis , George Filis  and  Theodosios Palaskas
Following the seminal paper on Optimum Currency Areas (OCA) by Mundell (1961) a wealth of literature has been published on the business cycles synchronisation and its main determinants. This work provides a systematic review of this research field both at country-level synchronization and regional level. The paper aims to evaluate the contribution of the related literature&rsqu [...] Read more

Journal Article
Determinants of terrorism in the MENA region: a Bayesian Model Averaging based approach
by Zohra Aroussi , Mekki Hamdaoui  and  Mounir Smida
In this work we aim to identify potential determinants and seek to predict terrorism attack. Thus, to eliminate uncertainty linked to explanatory variables we used the BMA method. We show that, contrary to expectations terrorism in MENA region is no longer purely of economic origin but mainly due to political problems, education, financial development and countries’ demog [...] Read more

Journal Article
Agricultural Exports, Other Exports, Imports, and Economic Growth: An ARDL Approach for Tunisia
by Emna Trabelsi  and  Nesrine Kachout
This paper aims to study and quantify the impact of agricultural exports on economic growth along with other variables in Tunisia. For that purpose, we estimate the relationship between GDP, agricultural exports, other exports, and imports by applying the ARDL approach under the period 1990-2020. The results show a negative and insignificant impact of agricultural exports on ec [...] Read more