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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 42 items)
Searched for: [ Keywords: "Fuzzy random variable" ] clear all
Journal Article
Bayesian-Nash equilibria for fuzzy value auctions
by Alexey S. Shvedov
This paper analyses a model of private value auctions with symmetric risk-neutral bidders, where bidders' private values of an indivisible good are fuzzy. The auction is studied as a game with incomplete information. Fuzzy random variables, their quantile functions, and expressions for expectations through quantile functions are used. An explicit expression for the solution is [...] Read more

Journal Article
Vector Error Correction Models with Stationary and Nonstationary Variables
by Pu Chen
Vector Error Correction Models (VECM) have become a standard tool in empirical economics for analyzing nonstationary time series data because they integrate two key concepts in economics: equilibrium and dynamic adjustment in a single model. The current standard VECM procedure is limited to time series data with the same degree of integration, i.e., all I(1) variables. However, [...] Read more

Journal Article
Inverted U-shaped relationship between non-labor income and labor hours, with wage rates as the threshold variable
by Qi Wang
Non-labor income is a crucial factor influencing time allocation, and prior studies have primarily concentrated on the linear association between non-labor income and labor hours. Utilizing micro-survey data from the CFPS in 2018 and 2020 and employing the panel threshold model, this paper empirically identifies a double threshold with the wage rate as the threshold variable. T [...] Read more

Journal Article
Machine Learning Survival Models restrictions: the case of startups time to failed with collinearity-related issues
by Diego Vallarino
This research evaluates the efficacy of survival models in forecasting startup failures and investigates their economic implications. Several machine learning survival models, including Kernel SVM, DeepSurv, Survival Random Forest, and MTLR, are assessed using the concordance index (C-index) as a measure of prediction accuracy. The findings reveal that more sophisticated models [...] Read more

Journal Article
Temporal Dynamics of Countries' Journey to Cluster-Specific GDP per Capita: A Comprehensive Survival Study
by Diego Vallarino
This research delves into the temporal dynamics of a nation's pursuit of a targeted GDP per capita level, employing five different survival machine learning models, remarkably Deep Learning algorithm (DeepSurv) and Survival Random Forest. This nuanced perspective moves beyond static evaluations, providing a comprehensive understanding of the developmental processes shaping econ [...] Read more

Journal Article
Consumers’ attitude towards meat brands: Evidence from pork products in Guangzhou, China
by Fafa (Monica) Yan , Xi Ouyang  and  Wen’e Qi
This study aims to investigate the factors influencing consumers’ cognitive attitude towards the brands of products during their consumption willingness, behaviors and choices. Taking pork brands as an example, this study conducts a questionnaire by using a random sampling method in 165 farmers’ meat markets and 54 supermarkets in Tianhe District, Yuexiu District, L [...] Read more

Journal Article
Carbon emissions trading price forecasts by multi-perspective fusion
by Chong Zhang  and  Zhiying Feng
The precise prediction of carbon emissions trading prices is the foundation for the stable and sustainable development of the carbon financial market. In recent years, influenced by a combination of factors such as the pandemic, trading regulations, and policies, carbon prices have exhibited strong random volatility and clear non-stationary characteristics. Traditional single-p [...] Read more

Journal Article
Evaluating Classical and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Credit Risk Analysis
by Bruno Reis  and  António Quintino
Credit scoring remains one of the most important subjects in financial risk management. Although the methods in this field have grown in sophistication, further improvements are necessary. These advances could translate in major gains for financial institutions and other companies that extend credit by diminishing the potential for losses in this process. This research seeks to [...] Read more

Journal Article
Inflation’s Reduction of the Real Minimum Wage and Unemployment in the USA: 1987 to 2021
by Jonathan E. Leightner  and  Eric Jenkins
Hundreds of articles have been written that include empirical estimates of the dis-employment effects of minimum wages; however, many of these articles find statistically insignificant effects, some find significant negative effects, and a few find significant positive effects. Most of these studies use multivariate analyses which can be criticized for omitting key variables. T [...] Read more

Journal Article
A simulation study on the insurance claims distribution using Weibull distribution
by Hamza Abubakar  and  Muhammad Lawal Danrimi
The Weibull distribution is extensively useful in the field of finance, insurance and natural disasters. Recently, It has been considered as one of the most frequently used statistical distributions in modelling and analyzing stock pricing movement and uncertain prediction in financial and investment data sets, such as insurance claims distribution. It is well known that the Ba [...] Read more

Journal Article
Testing the Oswald hypothesis with Australian census data 2001-2016
by Megha Raut  and  W. Robert J. Alexander
The Oswald hypothesis is that home ownership reduces mobility and through that channel results in poorer labor market outcomes. There has been only limited previous evidence on the Australian case. Here we use data from the first four Australian censuses of the twenty-first century, aggregated at the smallest geographical areas for which statistics are released. We propose test [...] Read more

Journal Article
The role of economic development in improvements of Cambodian housing conditions
by Florian Gerth  and  Karol S. Sikora
In the past, investing in housing has served as an engine of growth for many economies as it is widely recognized that poor housing conditions can have significant negative impacts on human health, education, and economic opportunities. To assess the housing-related quality of life, indicators such as housing quality, housing environment, and cost burdens can be applied. Howeve [...] Read more

Journal Article
The impact of digital economy development on local fiscal revenue efficiency
by Haixiang Xiao  and  Jiayi Liu
The vigorous development of the digital economy has brought new opportunities and challenges to the construction of local fiscal revenue efficiency. Based on the panel data from 2011 to 2020, this paper uses the fixed effect model, instrumental variable method and other empirical studies to investigate the impact of the development of the digital economy on the efficiency of lo [...] Read more

Journal Article
How does financial development environment affect regional innovation capabilities? New perspectives from digital finance and institutional quality
by Feiling Lu
Based on China's 30 provincial panel data from 2006 to 2018, this paper uses the spatial Durbin model to empirically study the influence path and transmission mechanism of financial development on regional technological innovation, and introduce digital finance environment, marketization degree, and government environmental management as an adjustment variable to verify its reg [...] Read more

Journal Article
How do financial regulations and economic freedoms affect bank profitability? Empirical Evidence from the OIC Region
by Ousman Mohammed Yimam
Banks operating within a free economic environment and with constructive regulatory frameworks can function with enhanced efficiency, augmenting their profitability. This study aimed to examine the influence of economic freedom and financial restrictions on banks' profitability within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation member nations. The study used a sample of 1453 banks, [...] Read more

Journal Article
Quantifying the connectedness and portfolio implications between Islamic and conventional bonds: Evidence from global and GCC regions
by Md. Ruhul Amin , Md. Abdul Hakim , Md. Mamunur Rashid  and  Shaikh Masrick Hasan
We explore the connectedness and portfolio implications between Islamic and conventional bonds in global and GCC regions. We also compare which bonds performed better during our sample period. Unlike previous studies, we focus on Islamic bond markets compared to their conventional counterparts and highlight the GCC bonds (Islamic and conventional) in respect of global bonds. We [...] Read more

Journal Article
Tech-driven transformation: Investigating digitalization dynamics across varying firm sizes
by Eleonora Santos
The dynamic patterns of technology adoption among firms clustered by size are investigated to assess the implications arising from the digital divide. Using data from the “Survey on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Enterprises (IUTICE)" dataset for 2003-2022, provided by the Portuguese Institute of Statistics, the research centers on three key vari [...] Read more

Journal Article
Qualitative Analysis of West African Economic and Monetary Union Decades’ Economic Growth
by Siriki Coulibaly  and  Pierre Guei
The study analyses the long growth rate period contribution to human development in West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) from 1996 to 2019 introducing time and institutional indicators effects analyses. Time and institutional effects both greatly improve model's diagnostics statistics. Time effects reduce growth variable coefficient and its significance, but not ins [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are Inventors Better CEOs? Evidence from China
by Qifeng Zhao , Qianfeng Luo , Long Wang  and  Wenyin Chen
This study investigates the impact of inventor CEOs on firm performance using a manually collected database of firms' inventors. Our findings reveal that, on average, firms with inventor CEOs experience a one- and two-percentage-point increase in ROA and ROE, respectively, compared to firms with noninventor CEOs. To address potential endogeneity issues, we employ turnover analy [...] Read more

Journal Article
Determinants of terrorism in the MENA region: a Bayesian Model Averaging based approach
by Zohra Aroussi , Mekki Hamdaoui  and  Mounir Smida
In this work we aim to identify potential determinants and seek to predict terrorism attack. Thus, to eliminate uncertainty linked to explanatory variables we used the BMA method. We show that, contrary to expectations terrorism in MENA region is no longer purely of economic origin but mainly due to political problems, education, financial development and countries’ demog [...] Read more