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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 139 items)
Searched for: [ Keywords: "Models of cloud services" ] clear all
Journal Article
Cloud computing and extensive margins of exports: Evidence for manufacturing firms from 27 EU countries
by Joachim Wagner
The use of cloud computing by firms can be expected to go hand in hand with higher productivity, more innovations, and lower costs, and, therefore, should be positively related to export activities. Empirical evidence on the link between cloud computing and exports, however, is missing. This paper uses firm level data for manufacturing enterprises from the 27 member countries o [...] Read more

Journal Article
Modern cloud technologies for business and industry: opportunities and trends for Russian & Global markets
by Igor Vladimirov , Alexander Vicentiy  and  Oleg Gavrilov
Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing domains of the IT industry, however, the growth rates for each of the models on a global and local (Russian) scale have not been generalized, despite the obvious value of such analysis. Modern business and industry in Russia is going through another period of instability and at the same time is forced to follow the trend of digitali [...] Read more

Journal Article
Special Healthcare Services for Lgbt Cancer Patients
by H. Mitchell  and  R. Jeffrey
In the UK, a concern of prejudice, as well as a lack of gender identity and sexual orientation documentation, implies that LGBT persons mostly hidden to health-care providers. One of a review was carried out to examine primary literature on the psychological support requirements of LGBT cancer patients when receive treatment and after. Important findings: Key topics that have b [...] Read more

Journal Article
Access to and use of financial services in ECOWAS countries: Is mobile money closing the gender gap?
by Aristide Bonsdaouêndé Valea
This paper deals with the gender gap in accessing and using financial services provided by mobile money and financial institutions. Using data from ECOWAS member countries, we applied the Fairlie decomposition method to estimate and decompose the gender gap. The results show that mobile money contributes to improving of the use of services compared to financial institutions. Ho [...] Read more

Journal Article
Determinants of terrorism in the MENA region: a Bayesian Model Averaging based approach
by Zohra Aroussi , Mekki Hamdaoui  and  Mounir Smida
In this work we aim to identify potential determinants and seek to predict terrorism attack. Thus, to eliminate uncertainty linked to explanatory variables we used the BMA method. We show that, contrary to expectations terrorism in MENA region is no longer purely of economic origin but mainly due to political problems, education, financial development and countries’ demog [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Higher Institute of Informatics and Management of Kairouan (ISIGK), Modeling, Financing and Economic Development (MOFID-LR21ES28), University of Kairouan, Kairouan, Tunisia

Journal Article
Forecasting Parameters in the SABR Model
by Li Chen , Jianing Zhu  and  Cunyi Yang
We present two approaches to forecasting parameters in the SABR model. The first approach is the vector autoregressive moving-average model (VARMA) for the time series of the in-sample calibrated parameters, and the second is based on machine learning techniques called epsilon-support vector regression (ε-SVR). Using daily data of S&P 500 ETF option prices from Janu [...] Read more

Journal Article
The high price of green energy: Adjustments in general equilibrium
by Henry Thompson
The high price of energy due to green energy policy will cause adjustments across the US economy predicted in the present general equilibrium model that includes energy Btu input with capital and labor to produce manufactures and services. This same model in trade theory examines the effects of a tariff on an imported factor of production such as a natural resource or capital.& [...] Read more

Journal Article
A pipeline between producer and consumer prices in Ghana: A Policy Issue
by Johnson Worlanyo Ahiadorme  and  Linda Akoto
As prices have grown at their fastest pace in recent times, inflation has become a key concern for the macro-policy environment. In many jurisdictions, consumer prices have typically formed the basis for price stability policies. Notwithstanding, producer prices remain an important channel and must be closely watched. We utilise data on Ghana and investigate the causal links be [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Macroeconomics Section, Ghana Statistical Service, Accra, Ghana

Journal Article
How Shopping Platforms Play a Role in the Credit Card Industry
by Sipeng Zeng
We develop a four-party model involving banks, merchants, consumers, and platform firms to explain why large shopping malls can offer interest-free installment services to consumers. Using a collaboration between an online shopping platform firm and multiple banks to issue co-branded credit cards as a natural experiment, we find that consumers’ spending on the platform fu [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Effects of Listed Company Charitable Foundation on Business Relationship of Supply Chain: Based on the Empirical Research of Corporate Social Responsibility
by Xindan Chang , Mengke Li  and  Ning Xiao
The Public Welfare Foundation of a listed company is a non-profit organization with independent legal personality. It is established and funded by a listed company. The purpose of establishing a foundation for a listed company is generally to carry out charitable activities and make important contributions to charitable causes. However, due to the special power separation model [...] Read more

Journal Article
An overlapping generations version of Krugman’s world’s smallest macroeconomic model and fiscal deficit
by Yasuhito Tanaka
This paper attempts to introduce an overlapping generations structure into Paul Krugman's "The world's smallest macroeconomic model" (Krugman (1999)) to examine the implications of fiscal policy, particularly fiscal deficits, in a framework suitable for policy analysis. In that paper, Krugman argued that under the price rigidity assumption, a shortage in the money supply leads [...] Read more

Journal Article
Vector Error Correction Models with Stationary and Nonstationary Variables
by Pu Chen
Vector Error Correction Models (VECM) have become a standard tool in empirical economics for analyzing nonstationary time series data because they integrate two key concepts in economics: equilibrium and dynamic adjustment in a single model. The current standard VECM procedure is limited to time series data with the same degree of integration, i.e., all I(1) variables. However, [...] Read more

Government deficit and “The World’s smallest macroeconomic model” by Paul Krugman
by Yasuhito Tanaka
In his "The World’s smallest macroeconomic model” (Krugman (1999)), Paul Krugman argued that under the assumption of price rigidity, a shortage of money supply leads to underemployment or recession, so increasing money supply can eliminate underemployment and restore full employment. But, how do we increase the money supply? I will show that we need a government def [...] Read more

Journal Article
Volume Accounts of FISIM: a Comparative Study between Stocks Deflation Method and Output Index Method
by Xiaoai Jia , Panpan Wang , Ziying Hao  and  Zhiyong Zheng
Because of the complexity of indirect financial intermediary services (FISIM) accounting, the traditional price index deflation method can no longer meet its accounting needs. The manual of price and volume measurement suggests that the stock deflation method and output index method should be used to calculate the volume of FISIM. Comparing the two accounting frameworks, it can [...] Read more

Journal Article
Performance evaluation of user value in digital economy industry: Based on the improvement EVA model
by Nannan Zhou , Changluan Shao , Yongqing Chen  and  Huaming Liu
With the advancement of science and technology and the advent of the digital economy, the digital economy has become a new driving force for economic development, and the digital economy industry at home and abroad is facing new opportunities for survival and development. However, due to the special development model and profit mode of the digital economy industry, the traditio [...] Read more

Journal Article
Machine Learning Survival Models restrictions: the case of startups time to failed with collinearity-related issues
by Diego Vallarino
This research evaluates the efficacy of survival models in forecasting startup failures and investigates their economic implications. Several machine learning survival models, including Kernel SVM, DeepSurv, Survival Random Forest, and MTLR, are assessed using the concordance index (C-index) as a measure of prediction accuracy. The findings reveal that more sophisticated models [...] Read more

Journal Article
Analysis of Stock Market Information Leakage by RDD
by Jianing Zhu  and  Cunyi Yang
Information leakage in the stock market has been widely proven. Information disclosure is sometimes uneven, and there is significant information asymmetry between ordinary investors and professional institutional investors. In this paper, Regression Discontinuity design (RDD) model is first employed to analyze the information leakage issues. Based on the daily closing stock pri [...] Read more

Journal Article
Budget deficit and money holding when consumers live forever in an endogenous growth model
by Yasuhito Tanaka
In this paper I will show that budget deficit (or fiscal deficit) is necessary to achieve full employment under constant prices or inflation, using a model of endogenous growth in which consumers hold money for the reason of liquidity and live forever. Budget deficit need not be offset by future budget surpluses. I consider the continuous time case by taking the limit of the di [...] Read more

Journal Article
Modeling the Potential Impact of Government Regulation on Cryptocurrency Prices
by Kylie LoPiccolo  and  Francis Parisi
Cryptocurrencies have gained popularity over the past five to six years. Most recently, events like the FTX bankruptcy fueled the interest in regulation. Moreover, it is possible that the FTX event disrupting the cryptocurrency market was a factor in Silicon Valley Bank's failure. While several countries consider regulation, from soft regulation, like Japan, to more rigid stand [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are CEOs Paid for Performance? A Study of CEO’s Compensation in the Public Sector Corporations
by Krishna Reddy
This study provides insight into CEO compensation dynamics in the public sector and private sector publicly listed firms in New Zealand. This research uses descriptive statistics, OLS regression, and the difference-in-difference method to analyze the compensation-performance relationship for the period 2005 to 2012. Our findings show that CEOs in the private sector publicly lis [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Faculty of Business, Design and Services Industries, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand