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Articles ( Showing 1-20 of 47 items)
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Journal Article
Welfare fragmented information effects: The cost-benefit analysis and Trade-offs
by Emna Trabelsi
We offer an extensive analysis of the significance of information within the realm of Gaussian quadratic economies. We build upon the seminal papers of Morris and Shin (2002, 2007) and consider a signal game of incomplete information. Particularly, we question the suitability of partial transparency portrayed by fragmented information in addition to the private signal in terms [...] Read more

Journal Article
Optimal Commodity Storage: Privately and Publicly Financed Storage Compared
by Paul Hallwood
Consideration of optimal commodity storage with different discount rates. Finding that, even with a lower discount rate than private storage, optimal government-financed storage may not narrow price fluctuations compared with optimal privately financed storage because a government has to choose a probability of buffer stock failure greater than zero to economize on storage cost [...] Read more

Does Social Security Crowd out Private Wealth? A Survey of the Literature
by Marcin Wron ski
In this paper, we review the research on the substitution between social security wealth and private wealth. Our review includes over 100 theoretical and empirical contributions. Nearly 70% of the literature identifies the statistically significant impact of social security wealth on different forms of private savings. A strong majority of authors, who obtain statistically sign [...] Read more

Journal Article
Analysis of Stock Market Information Leakage by RDD
by Jianing Zhu  and  Cunyi Yang
Information leakage in the stock market has been widely proven. Information disclosure is sometimes uneven, and there is significant information asymmetry between ordinary investors and professional institutional investors. In this paper, Regression Discontinuity design (RDD) model is first employed to analyze the information leakage issues. Based on the daily closing stock pri [...] Read more

Journal Article
Bayesian-Nash equilibria for fuzzy value auctions
by Alexey S. Shvedov
This paper analyses a model of private value auctions with symmetric risk-neutral bidders, where bidders' private values of an indivisible good are fuzzy. The auction is studied as a game with incomplete information. Fuzzy random variables, their quantile functions, and expressions for expectations through quantile functions are used. An explicit expression for the solution is [...] Read more

Journal Article
Greasing the revolving door: foreign aid, governance, and private capital flows
by Ugochukwu Anyanwu  and  Amarachukwu Anyanwu
There is a considerable amount of debate on the impact of capital liberalization on economic performance. Using Three-Stage Least Squares (3SLS) estimation technique introduced by Zellner and Theil (1962), we synthesize studies on the determinants of governance and capital flows. We find evidence of a revolving door relationship. Foreign aid has a negative impact on governance [...] Read more

Journal Article
Similarities and differences between digitalization indexes
by Olena Korzhyk , Jorge Vareda Gomes  and  Gonçalo João
Digitalization is nowadays one of the fastest developing processes. The adoption of digital technologies can provide innumerous opportunities for the organizations to evolve and gain competitive advantage by leveraging of technologies to respond to dynamic expectations and demands. Information about the country digitalization level is essential to decision makers in both public [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Value of Less-Lethal Weapons
by Johnathan Mun , Seth McAnally , Jayden Mun  and  Emma Mun
Less-Lethal Weapons, including electric Tasers, velocity-reduction bullet-capture projectiles, rubber bullets, beanbag rounds, and other less-lethal projectiles used in police departments, federal and local law enforcement agencies, and military policing operations, as well as for private use, are topics of significant debate in recent years. These weapons can reduce collateral [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Information Sciences Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, USA

Journal Article
Nexus between information technology and economic growth: new insights from India
by Asif Raihan
The objective of this research is to investigate, using time series data ranging from 1992 to 2021, the effects of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth (GDP) in India. The stationarity of the data was examined by employing unit root tests, and an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) technique was used to inves [...] Read more

Journal Article
Are CEOs Paid for Performance? A Study of CEO’s Compensation in the Public Sector Corporations
by Krishna Reddy
This study provides insight into CEO compensation dynamics in the public sector and private sector publicly listed firms in New Zealand. This research uses descriptive statistics, OLS regression, and the difference-in-difference method to analyze the compensation-performance relationship for the period 2005 to 2012. Our findings show that CEOs in the private sector publicly lis [...] Read more

Journal Article
Trinity for Innovation: Industry-University-Research Amends Factor Misallocation Based on the Dual Perspective of Capital and Labor Force
by Liwen Cheng , Zhouyi Gu , Changsong Wang  and  Hong Jie
Based on provincial panel data in China, this study is the first to investigate whether industry-university-research collaborative innovation (IURCI) can help to improve factor misallocation. It is found that IURCI can significantly improve capital misallocation and labor misallocation, and the effect has regional differences, which shows that the improvement effect is obvious [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
School of Sino-German Robotics, Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, Shenzhen, 518029, China
School of Information Technology, Zhejiang Financial College, Hangzhou, 310018, China
Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information, Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanchang, 330200, China

Journal Article
Observable and Unobservable Investment Information in Multiple Markets
by Yoshikazu Ishinagi  and  Joonghwa Oh
This study considers the effects of disclosure conditions on firms' investment decisions when facing an identical competitor in multiple markets. Assuming that there are congestion costs between multiple investments to reduce marginal cost for each market, this study focuses on the cases where the disclosure conditions may differ by market. Like previous studies on single Courn [...] Read more

Journal Article
A Study of Hierarchical Risk Parity in Portfolio Construction
by Debjani Palit  and  Victor R. Prybutok
The construction and optimization of a portfolio is a complex process that has been a historically active research area in finance. For portfolios with highly correlated assets, the performance of traditional risk-based asset allocations methods such as the mean-variance (MV) model is limited when numerous assets are correlated. A novel clustering-based asset allocation method, [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Information Science, University of North Texas, Denton, USA
Department of Information Technology and Decision Sciences, G. Brint Ryan College of Business, University of North Texas, Denton, USA

Journal Article
Role of Natural Products in Combating Cancer
by Camilla Barreto  and  Alwjandra Jandus
Alternative bio actively chemicals may be found in natural goods and traditional herb medications, but only a few plant-information formulations have been rigorously studied and verified for their potential as medicinal therapies. The study of plant-derived elements' immunomodulation capabilities and their ability as provoke the immune system as combat various elemental disorde [...] Read more

Journal Article
Digital Currency and Financial Markets in Nigeria: Impact and Policy Implications
by Chioma Nwosu Peace , Bosha Ernest Oryiman  and  Abubakar Ibrahim Sani
The rise of privately issued digital currencies, which primarily serve as alternative investment assets poses a challenge to the traditional financial instruments traded in the financial market. This study examines the dynamic relationship between the major privately issued digital currency (Bitcoin) and two financial market securities in Nigeria. The paper employed Vector Auto [...] Read more

Journal Article
Competition in French hospital: Does it impact the patient management in healthcare?
by Carine Milcent
This research paper examines changes in patient care management in acute care hospitals between 2001 and 2011. During this time, there were two opposing factors at play: the competition effect of the reform and the policymaker’s decision to reduce public hospitals across France. By studying the trends, it is evident that there has been a significant overall shift in patie [...] Read more

Journal Article
Informed Trading of Sell-Side Analysts: Evidence from Class Action Lawsuits
by Hyoseok David Hwang
This paper examines whether sell-side analyst-affiliated investors trade stocks before their analysts release material information. Using class action lawsuits, I explore the pre-lawsuit periods and investigate how potentially informed analysts trade their covered firms. The event study finds that analyst-affiliated investors reduce their stockholdings of firms prior to their o [...] Read more

Journal Article
The role of financial drivers on regional economic resilience: Does information technology level matter?
by Xiaoli Hao  and  Junhong Qu
Economic globalization has intensified economic volatility around the world, and the importance of economic resilience has become increasingly prominent in the face of rising uncertainty due to frequent domestic and foreign shocks. Based on provincial panel data in China from 2008-2019, a comprehensive indicator system is constructed to measure regional economic resilience (RER [...] Read more

Journal Article
Modeling the Potential Impact of Government Regulation on Cryptocurrency Prices
by Kylie LoPiccolo  and  Francis Parisi
Cryptocurrencies have gained popularity over the past five to six years. Most recently, events like the FTX bankruptcy fueled the interest in regulation. Moreover, it is possible that the FTX event disrupting the cryptocurrency market was a factor in Silicon Valley Bank's failure. While several countries consider regulation, from soft regulation, like Japan, to more rigid stand [...] Read more
Hit Affiliation:
Department of Information Technology, Pace University, New York, USA

Journal Article
Microblogging Perceptive and Pricing Liquidity: Exploring Asymmetric Information as a Risk Determinant of Liquidity in the Pandemic Environments
by Jawad Saleemi
Liquidity can be a real phenomenon for execution of the financial holding. Its risk falls in debate to impose a conditional cost on the counterparty. The time-varying liquidity is often linked to the expected fundamental value of an investment. In this work, the microblogging-based informed transaction is examined as a determinant of the liquidity-facilitating cost. Most import [...] Read more